Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

Free Ebook On Guard: Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse at Church, by Deepak Reju

Free Ebook On Guard: Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse at Church, by Deepak Reju

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On Guard: Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse at Church, by Deepak Reju

On Guard: Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse at Church, by Deepak Reju

On Guard: Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse at Church, by Deepak Reju

Free Ebook On Guard: Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse at Church, by Deepak Reju

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On Guard: Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse at Church, by Deepak Reju


Deepak Reju writes with conviction and compassion about the sobering reality of child abuse and the challenge of protecting children in this fallen world. Highlighting both the responsibility and privilege of our stewardship, Deepak s straightforward, thorough, and well-researched insights will instill in any parent or church leader a healthy fear and God-dependent confidence while providing us with practical steps and effective strategies for fulfilling the calling and responsibility we have as God s stewards. We earnestly encourage church leaders to embrace Deepak s concern and apply his counsel for the protection and the joy of the next generation. --Pastor David and Sally Michael, Founders, Children Desiring GodChild sexual abuse in the church is a scandal and yet many of us in church are woefully ill-equipped to identify danger signs, understand our legal responsibilities, or respond in an appropriate pastoral manner to the victims. In this timely book, Deepak Reju addresses all of these areas of concern, offering helpful advice to pastors, elders, and Christians in general on what the reality of this evil requires of them in terms of organization, wisdom, and action. Whether your church is just starting to formulate a child protection policy or seeking to protect the children in its care more effectively, this book will be a very useful resource in addressing the challenges and, most important of all, in keeping children safe and giving comfort and care to the victims of abuse. --Carl R Trueman, Pastor, Cornerstone Presbyterian Church, Ambler, PA; Paul Woolley Professor of Church History, Westminster Theological Seminary, PhiladelphiaDeepak has given the church a fine gift. He has written a very practical plan for churches so we can better love and protect our children and teens. It won't overburden a church with endless regulations, but it will give church leadership what they must know, and it will lay out what church leadership must teach its members and ministry staff. This book will, guaranteed, make you and your church wiser. --Ed Welch, Author and CCEF Faculty

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Everyone agrees that we should be on guard to protect children in our churches. What's been lacking is a clear and concise guide that shows church leaders how. In On Guard, Deepak Reju has now provided us with a theologically grounded and deeply practical guide precisely for this purpose.”Timothy Paul Jones, PhD, C. Edwin Gheens Professor of Christian Family Ministry at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary“On Guard is a road map that will help your church, its leaders, staff and congregation create a safer environment for families. It does not pull its punches delivering case studies, facts, and figures that will shock many, and by deconstructing the stereotypical image of the sexual predator, it forces the reader to reflect on the reality that predators very often hide in plain sight, behind the facade of the all-American father, youth pastor, preacher, or highly respected member of the congregation. If your church hasn’t got a child protection policy or you want to test the one you have, this provides all the references and checklists you will need. Whether inside or outside the church, this is a must read for all child protection professionals.”Jim Gamble QPM, CEO INEQE Safe & Secure; former CEO of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre; founding Chair of the Virtual Global Taskforce on Child Protection; lead on Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) Child Abuse Investigation until 2011“How should a church respond to a convicted sex offender who, after serving his sentence, wants to join your church? How do we affirm the gospel of grace without making naïve and tragic mistakes? How can predators be identified and what ‘best practices’ do we need to guard against abuse within the church, even by leaders? Sad to say, we really need this book.”Michael Horton, Professor of Theology, Westminster Seminary California; cohost of the White Horse Inn“The church has been woefully ‘behind the curve’ when it comes to addressing sexual abuse. Fortunately, On Guard by Deepak Reju brings a much needed resource to church leadership. Reju is a shepherd who clearly loves the vulnerable sheep. Beyond statistics and stories, Reju speaks into the heart of contemporary church life with insight that faces evil and also brings practical help. I recommend every new pastor or intern read this book. On Guard: Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse at Church is a mouthful we’re going to have to digest to move toward the front of the curve.”Andrew J. Schmutzer, PhD, Professor of Biblical Studies, Moody Bible Institute; author/editor of The Long Journey Home: Understanding and Ministering to the Sexually Abused“On Guard is a much-needed bomb and balm. It detonates many dangerous assumptions of the evangelical church regarding child abuse, and it points us toward true healing and wise safety measures. This is a must-read for every pastor and ministry leader and a gift of love to every child. I wish this book had been published decades ago!”Peter Hubbard, Teaching Pastor, North Hills Community Church, Taylors, SC; author of Love Into Light“Thanks to On Guard, many children will be protected from the horrors of child abuse. In addition to providing a more comprehensive approach toward child abuse, he offers helpful strategies to prevent and respond to abuse at church. All pastors, children ministry leaders, church staff, and parents need Deepak’s book.”Justin S. Holcomb, Episcopal priest; seminary professor; coauthor of Rid of My Disgrace“I can’t recommend Deepak’s book highly enough. Deepak provides a thorough education on child protection for your childcare workers, practical help in implementing a child protection policy at your church, and sets an appropriately tough standard that will scare the daylights out of any predators looking to target your children. Get a case of these books to give to your children’s ministry workers as a training tool to equip them in their service and care of your children.”Marty Machowski, Children’s Pastor; author of the Gospel Story Bible and curriculum, Long Story Short, and Old Story New“This book is a must read for every church and pastor. The church has a moral responsibility to be fully equipped in the protection of children under its care and how to respond in a God-honoring way when our best efforts at prevention fail. We have not lived up to this standard, but Deepak has served the church well by writing this needed resource. It is now our responsibility to study it, examine our current practices at each church, and make necessary changes. Make sure every church and pastor you know gets a copy.”Brad Hambrick, Pastor of Counseling at The Summit Church, Durham, NC.“I know of no single book that captures well the full picture and essential need to protect children in the modern church and how to accomplish it wisely . . . until now. I am deeply grateful that Deepak Reju wrote this book. His wise pastor's heart and years of credible experience he brings to this area of ministry permeates from every page. On Guard is thoroughly biblical and immensely practical. Every pastor, church leader, and church member working with children in the local church must read this book. This is one of the most important books for the local church I have read in many years!”Brian Croft, Senior Pastor, Auburndale Baptist Church; founder, Practical Shepherding; author“On Guard: Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse at Church needs to be in the hands of every pastor and ministry leader in every church. This candid, compassionate, and comprehensive manual provides exactly what the church desperately needs to protect children and to protect the reputation of Christ and the Bride of Christ. Replete with wise biblical principles and practical real-life policies and procedures, On Guard equips the church to take the lead in proactively protecting the most precious and vulnerable among us.” Bob Kellemen, PhD, Executive Director, Biblical Counseling Coalition; author of Gospel-Centered Counseling“Rev. Reju boldly articulates that the church does not, in fact will not, write a child safety plan if it does not understand the call of scripture as the basis for such a plan. From chapter to chapter, the author extracts from numerous scripture verses and stories the sound theological foundation for a child safety plan. He emphasizes that every movement toward the development of a child safety plan must embrace our duty to love the church and the little ones in its care, but also to abhor the moral failure of doing nothing to protect little ones from harm or restricting potential abusers from unfettered access to do harm.”Beth A. Swagman, MSW, ACSW, JD, Director of Safe Place Consulting, PLC, Grand Rapids, MI; author of Preventing Child Abuse: Creating a Safe Place“Sexual predators target children in churches. This sobering truth ought to lead us to pray—and prepare. In his timely book, Deepak Reju helps pastors and parents consider what it means to proactively defend children from those who would seek to do them harm. This valuable resource brings needed sobriety along with practical wisdom to assist churches in developing policies, procedures, and response plans to help guard our children. I have great hope that God will use this book for his glory and the good of many children.”Garrett Kell, Lead Pastor, Del Ray Baptist Church, Alexandria, VA“In a perfect world, a book like On Guard would not be necessary. But our world is broken, and we need serious help navigating the often complex issues of protection, justice, and healing when it comes to the most vulnerable in our churches. Deepak Reju has met this need in a clear, practical, and powerful way.”Jared C. Wilson, Pastor, Middletown Springs Community Church, Vermont; author of The Wonder-Working God“On Guard provides a compelling and challenging glimpse into one of the gritty realities facing churches today—the prevalence of child sexual abuse. Reju’s statistics and stories are startling. But his recommendations for a thorough child protection policy and suggestions for writing one are practical, helpful, and insightful—born from real-world experience. On Guard challenges churches, leaders, and parents to proactively protect the children in their care. A valuable resource for churches of all sizes!”Kathy Stout-LaBauve, LCSW, Vice President of Aftercare, International Justice Mission“I wish we lived in a world where books like On Guard were not necessary. Since we don’t, however, I am very glad that Deepak Reju wrote this excellent book. On Guard is an immensely helpful guide for pastors and other church leaders who want to prevent and respond to child abuse in their midst. I recommend that you read it and implement its wisdom before you need it.”Mike McKinley, Pastor Sterling Park Baptist Church (Sterling, VA); author of Am I Really a Christian?“A lead pastor often has his mind wrapped up in the next sermon, staff issues, the overall vision of the church, and shepherding the adults of his congregation well. But, how often does he stop to think about the critical logistical issues that could build or utterly destroy the health of a congregation, such as the physical safety of the children and youth in its ministries? And is he prepared to shepherd well when a horrible situation occurs involving a child? On Guard changed how I think. I have never disagreed with the principles and wisdom in the book, but nor have I really given much attention to them so I could lead and be accountable for our children’s ministry staff. Deepak Reju has addressed the vital issues of safeguarding and responding to child abuse in the context of a local church within a theological and pastoral framework. Whether you are a children’s ministry volunteer or a lead pastor, this is an essential read.”Jay Thomas, Lead Pastor, Chapel Hill Bible Church“On Guard should be mandatory reading for every pastor! For too long, the sexual abuse of children has been one of the darkest places inside the Church. This is the reason I am so excited to endorse this book by Deepak Reju that helps to shine light and brings hope to this issue. Not only does this book do a thorough job in identifying the complex issues, but it also offers fantastic practical guidance on how to confront and address abuse in a manner that protects children and serves survivors.” Boz Tchividjian, Executive Director, GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment)“This is a full book-length treatment of a terrifyingly common reality—the sexual abuse of children in religious environments. It is well-grounded in biblical and theological truth, and it provides concrete information both about the extent of the problem and about the specific steps that churches must take to address the problem (steps that are also directly relevant to synagogues and mosques). It should be required reading for the leaders of all religious communities.”Dr. Samuel Logan, International Director of the World Reformed Fellowship“We all might wish that a book like this wouldn't have to be written, but wishful thinking is exactly the kind of thing that puts children at risk. Child predators aim to victimize children, and they know that many churches are doing little to keep them out. Deepak Reju has done an enormous service to God's people by showing us how to keep our churches On Guard against child predators. This book is extremely practical and a must-read for pastors and church leaders.”Denny Burk, Professor of Biblical Studies, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary“One of the greatest challenges facing the twenty-first century church in North America is how to protect our children from child abuse. While the moral responsibility to guard our children from emotional and physical harm is undisputed, it seems that too many church leaders continue to respond wrongly to allegations and even the proof that abuse has occurred. How to handle these situations becomes overwhelmingly confusing and complex when a church has not properly planned for how to prevent and respond to abuse. In On Guard, Deepak Reju has served us all. He pulls back the curtain of child abuse and provides a clear-headed analysis of the problem, and then he provides eleven strategies for preventing and responding to abuse. We can’t get this wrong! The moral, physical, and emotional health of our children and the faithful witness of the justice and loving kindness of God displayed in the gospel depend on it.” Keith Whitfield, PhD, Assistant Professor of Christian Theology, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC“Authority exercised well is one of the most beautiful pictures we have of God and His character. Authority abused, especially among children, is one of the most heinous sins and offenses against God because it lies about his image and who he is. In On Guard, Deepak reflects pastorally, practically, and biblically on how to exercise authority well so that Christian leaders and parents can most effectively protect and care for children in the church. This is an essential resource for every local church, filling a much-needed gap and giving practical tools that will honor God, protect children, and strengthen the witness of the gospel in a dark, dark world.” Ryan Townsend, Executive Director, 9Marks“Dr. Deepak Reju brings practical and pastoral wisdom to a subject not many people are willing to talk about today, despite the fact that one in three girls and one in four boys will be sexually abused at some point in their childhood. His eight strategies for protecting against abuse are worth the price of the book. Read this one and weep. Then get to work to protect our children.”C. Ben Mitchell, PhD, Provost, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Graves Professor of Moral Philosophy, Union University

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See all Editorial Reviews

Product details

Paperback: 224 pages

Publisher: New Growth Press; First edition (October 31, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1939946514

ISBN-13: 978-1939946515

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.8 x 8.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 13.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.9 out of 5 stars

38 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#241,988 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Oak Grove Baptist, the church at which I presently serve, has a child protection policy and process. As I was reading On Guard, I began to find ways to improve both our policy and process.Chapter 11, entitled Building Design, helped me identify facility vulnerabilities. The information in Section 1 provided material to improve our worker training process. Chapters 14, 15, and 16 were especially valuable for developing a comprehensive and compassionate response to abuse situations. The appendices would be useful for a church that is developing a child protection plan.I would highly recommend this book to pastors that take their responsibility for child protection seriously. I would also suggest this book to the church staff that want to improve their process. Deepak Reju has written a comprehensive and worthwhile resource.

MUST READ for all church leaders, children's directors, ministry leads, elders, and pastors and parents. Deepak incredibly brings much statistical information under one roof, but beyond the statistics is the heart and biblical mandate for the roles and responsibilities of every member of any congregation. Clear and heart driven, Deepak has compiled a church's dream~scripture based material on a vital aspect of any church's ministry, the safety and biblical shepherding of the most vulnerable and the edifying of the family. Pass this book around, put this material into as many hands as possible.

As a child abuse survivor, and the founder of a non profit dedicated to child abuse prevention, you would think I have read it all. I've not read anything like this important book! This book should be required reading for EVERY church, within every religion. Child Predators don't discriminate based on religious affiliation, but they do seek out churches and Deepak Reju gives concrete ways churches and church goers can protect their children! He includes example Screening Applications for church volunteers and staff, and great tools for churches to create their own Child Protection Policies. He also addresses child on child abuse-which so many people and churches overlook. Thank you Deepak Reju for writing this important work!

As a parent of a one year old this was great to help me discern what I should be looking for in my church in terms of protecting my child from a predator. Sure some it gets into the details of how a church can protect boundaries but from the parents point of view this great info to have as you diagnose whether a church is safe for your child.

All churches should have a screening program in place. This is an excellent resource to help put one in place. There should be multiple “firewalls” in place. People who trample these boundaries should raise red flags immediately. Don’t be naive!

I first heard Deepak present on this material at the Children's Desiring God conference in 2009. I took detailed notes, and our team has used much of that material to help develop child protection and registered sex offender policies for our church. Church leaders should study Deepak's eleven strategies (8 for protecting against abuse and 3 for responding to abuse) and work to adopt them as quickly as possible. This is your guidebook for creating a child protection policies, procedures, and training materials. On Guard will also help you develop strategies to care for children who have been abused and even to care for registered sex offenders who want to attend your church. I'm truly grateful that this guidebook is now in print.My one small critique is that when our church, Sojourn Community, was mentioned as the source for Appendix E (p. 210), our location was incorrectly identified. We are located in Louisville (not Lexington), Kentucky.

This book is tough to read in that it discusses a sinful reality we must all face, but it is a MUST READ for any parent, pastor, children’s ministry director, and anyone involved wirh children in any way.

If you are in the ministry and have any responsibility over children or youth you need to stay in tune with what enemies are "out there". This is a well written book and an easy read with tons of useful information. Get this book and make any changes that the Lord leads you to do in your ministry for the protection of our kids.

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On Guard: Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse at Church, by Deepak Reju PDF

On Guard: Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse at Church, by Deepak Reju PDF

On Guard: Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse at Church, by Deepak Reju PDF
On Guard: Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse at Church, by Deepak Reju PDF
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Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

Download PDF Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War

Download PDF Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War

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Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War

Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War

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Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 19 hours and 41 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Tantor Audio

Audible.com Release Date: July 11, 2016

Whispersync for Voice: Ready

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

Hagiography of John Boyd. Misrepresents Army doctrine and history. The author never bothered to read the official after action report of operation Urgent Fury in Grenada, since the Army faced the vast majority of the Cuban armed forces on the island. He also never bothered to provide any context for Boyd's misguided attack on the Army's understanding of synchronization. Boyd had no practical experience with land warfare or combined arms doctrine and it shows. A more balanced analysis of Boyd's theories is needed, but cannot be found in this book. For an example of a critique of Boyd's views on Clausewitz, this is from Chris Bassford: "The primary problem with Boyd's thinking is that he and his disciples consistently ignored the political factors in real-world strategy, on both the theoretical and practical levels' perhaps because there is not a lot of political interaction inside an F-86 cockpit. The results have been some useful tactical, doctrinal, and technical advances; much internecine bureaucratic hostility; and a whole lot of personal and career frustration and destruction. Boyd was an interesting character and he provided some useful tools, but a Clausewitzian would be uncomfortable calling him a"strategist." Boyd would have endorse the swift by-pass of cities and towns in the Iraq war. And as we have seen in the prolonged resistance campaign he would have been wrong.

Many biographers fall into the trap of lionizing the subject. Author Robert Coram did so in his bio on Brute Krulak, but here goes beyond mere lionization and deifies Boyd. That's a real shame, since Boyd is a very interesting subject, that blind adulation is not needed, detracts from the author's credibility and after awhile, gets really redundant.Boyd's resume includes, fighter pilot, instructor at Fighter Weapons School, engineer, scholar. He was also abrasive, self destructive, brilliant, driven, insecure and made many powerful enemies. Coram takes you through those experiences showing how Boyd made an impact on each of these jobs. There are some technical errors in the book, but I thought it was well documented, researched an easy read- just one sided. Unfortunately, it is not ground breaking news that the Pentagon is bureaucratic, weapons procurement is broken, but not everyone there is a careerist, Boyd did have help along the way.Boyd was unique, had a profound impact on the Air Force, fighting tactics, military planning, facts that hold this book together. There are many interesting revelations - how a small group of people (AKA the Fighter Mafia), took on the system, made positive changes which in turn led to the next generation of fighters, tactics and strategy.Like Boyd, the book has its flaws, but is very interesting to read - a true David and Goliath story about a scary smart pilot, it's fun when the little guy wins - in Col Boyd's case, not wealth or fame, but making a difference. Boyd's genius and obsessiveness with his quest for knowledge reminded me of John Nash (subject of the 2001 movie A Beautiful Mind).Recommended reading for aviation buffs, air force historians, those who want to see the development of the theory behind the F-15, F-16, F-18, A-10 planes. The book lacks enough objective data to answer the question, was Boyd really the single most influential pilot ever, changing even the art of war? Perhaps not, but Boyd got a lot of people thinking, as does Coram. Five stars for thinking less one star for lack of objectivity.

As with other guerrilla leaders, intellectual or military, Boyd inspires adoration and acrimony. That more of his accomplishments are not widely celebrated, or at least acknowledged, is particularly unfortunate. Also similar to previous guerrillas, there are myths about the man that must occasionally be sifted through if one seeks to stay in reality. Nonetheless, one would do well to study and learn from the man, his life, and his ideas. Above all, this book presents a story of a man, really several men, who were willing to work and sacrifice for the ideas they stood behind. The choice to be somebody or to do something is applicable well beyond military service members.In the first half of the book Mr. Coram does an excellent job discussing Col Boyd's contributions to air-to-air tactics and fighter design during the Cold War. The portions of the book detailing Boyd and The Reformers efforts in the Pentagon are fascinating, but the machinations of that institution are so complex that I imagine it difficult to give the whole story, even in a volume such as Boyd. Nonetheless, Mr. Coram colorfully highlights the petty inter-service and internecine squabbles that occurred inside the great pentagonal palace. While Coram holds Boyd up high he does not gloss over all his faults. He does not dwell on the man's short comings, but they are a present undercurrent throughout the the book.But beyond the very positive narrative are instances of poor scholarship and subpar research. When Boyd gets to Washington in 1966 the author claims that the WWII generals who led the USAF were being replaced by Air Force Academy grads. Seeing that the first class graduated in 1959 it's absurd to say they were replacing the generals just 7 years after commissioning. There is also an utter failure to mention the six weeks of heavy aerial bombing that preceded the Left Hook and 100 hour ground campaign during Desert Storm. This is not to diminish the brilliant success of the guys on the ground, but air power dealt a critical blow to Saddam's forces and shaped the outcome of the war. Finally, there was a technically puzzling statement that the B-1 had trouble clearing high terrain when fully loaded. Operations in Afghanistan have put any such claims to rest.Admittedly, the David versus Goliath theme of the book paints the senior military leadership, and especially that of the Air Force, in a shameful light. As an Air Force officer and pilot, perhaps I should take more umbrage at Coram's apparent slandering. However, considering the AH-56 vs A-10 fight, the recent C-27J debacle, the multiple attempts to retire the A-10, and the long-standing institutional attitude toward close air support, it is impossible to dismiss his critiques as baseless or implausible. But, this book will not improve anyone's opinion of the USAF or greater military-industrial complex.Overall, this is an excellent read and the impact of Boyd's work has clearly spread well beyond the battlefield, much like Sun Tzu. (Whether the two men are truly equals is a debate for another forum.) Without a doubt, reading about the bombastic guerrilla fighter pilot and his work/theories would be well worth anyone's time.

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Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War PDF
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Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

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Handbook of Dental Trauma: A Practical Guide to the Treatment of Trauma to the Teeth

From the Publisher

Trauma to the teeth of children and adolescents poses a problem to many dental practitioners. By the very nature of such injuries, emergency treatment is usually needed but often a traumatised child or adolescent arrives in a dental practice when the dental practitioner has a fully booked clinic. Handbook of Dental Trauma has been specially written to provide a chairside 'what to do' guide to emergency treatment for such occasions and will enable dental practitioners to quickly and efficiently handle most cases of dental trauma. Instructions on follow up and longer term care of traumatic injuries are also given.The layout provides accessible text for quick reference, using bullet points and step by step instructions for treatment. Advice on accurate recoed keeping and preparation of legal reports is also given, as there are often potential legal implications in trauma cases.Handbook of Dental Trauma is an essential aid for practising dentists and dental undergraduates, as well as a useful revision tool for postgraduate dental students.* A practical handbook of emergency care that concentrates on the most frequently presenting types of trauma patient: children and adolescents* The structured responses provided by this chairside reference ensure consistent and competent handling of dental trauma cases* Simple protocols and guidelines offer a step-by-step approach to professional care* Guidance on the dental practitioner's role in non-accidental injuries is also provided.Trauma to the teeth of children and adolescents poses a problem to many dental practitioneres. By the very nature of such injuries, emergency treatment is usually needed but often a traumatised child or adolescent arrives in a dental practice when the dental practitioner has a fully booked clinic. Handbook of Dental Trauma has been specially written to provide a chairside 'what to do' guide to emergency treatment for such occasions and will enable dental practitioners to quickly and efficiently handle most cases of dental trauma. Instructions on follow up and longer term care of traumatic injuries are also given.The layout provides accessible text for quick reference, using bullet points and step by step instructions for treatment. Advice on accurate recoed keeping and preparation of legal reports is also given, as there are often potential legal implications in trauma cases.Handbook of Dental Trauma is an essential aid for practising dentists and dental undergraduates, as well as a useful revision tool for postgraduate dental students.* A practical handbook of emergency care that concentrates on the most frequently presenting types of trauma patient: children and adolescents* The structured responses provided by this chairside reference ensure consistent and competent handling of dental trauma cases* Simple protocols and guidelines offer a step-by-step approach to professional care* Guidance on the dental practitioner's role in non-accidental injuries is also provided.Trauma to the teeth of children and adolescents poses a problem to many dental practitioneres. By the very nature of such injuries, emergency treatment is usually needed but often a traumatised child or adolescent arrives in a dental practice when the dental practitioner has a fully booked clinic. Handbook of Dental Trauma has been specially written to provide a chairside 'what to do' guide to emergency treatment for such occasions and will enable dental practitioners to quickly and efficiently handle most cases of dental trauma. Instructions on follow up and longer term care of traumatic injuries are also given.The layout provides accessible text for quick reference, using bullet points and step by step instructions for treatment. Advice on accurate recoed keeping and preparation of legal reports is also given, as there are often potential legal implications in trauma cases.Handbook of Dental Trauma is an essential aid for practising dentists and dental undergraduates, as well as a useful revision tool for postgraduate dental students.* A practical handbook of emergency care that concentrates on the most frequently presenting types of trauma patient: children and adolescents* The structured responses provided by this chairside reference ensure consistent and competent handling of dental trauma cases* Simple protocols and guidelines offer a step-by-step approach to professional care* Guidance on the dental practitioner's role in non-accidental injuries is also provided.

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About the Author

Curzon, M. E. J. BDS MS PhD FRCD(Can) FDSRCS(Eng), Professor of Child Dental Health, Leeds Dental Institute.

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Product details

Paperback: 177 pages

Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; 2 edition (June 15, 1999)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0723617414

ISBN-13: 978-0723617419

Product Dimensions:

5.8 x 0.8 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 10.9 ounces

Average Customer Review:

Be the first to review this item

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#4,790,271 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Handbook of Dental Trauma: A Practical Guide to the Treatment of Trauma to the Teeth PDF
Handbook of Dental Trauma: A Practical Guide to the Treatment of Trauma to the Teeth EPub
Handbook of Dental Trauma: A Practical Guide to the Treatment of Trauma to the Teeth Doc
Handbook of Dental Trauma: A Practical Guide to the Treatment of Trauma to the Teeth iBooks
Handbook of Dental Trauma: A Practical Guide to the Treatment of Trauma to the Teeth rtf
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Handbook of Dental Trauma: A Practical Guide to the Treatment of Trauma to the Teeth Kindle

Handbook of Dental Trauma: A Practical Guide to the Treatment of Trauma to the Teeth PDF

Handbook of Dental Trauma: A Practical Guide to the Treatment of Trauma to the Teeth PDF

Handbook of Dental Trauma: A Practical Guide to the Treatment of Trauma to the Teeth PDF
Handbook of Dental Trauma: A Practical Guide to the Treatment of Trauma to the Teeth PDF
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PDF Download , by Athena Perrakis

PDF Download , by Athena Perrakis

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Product details

File Size: 32854 KB

Print Length: 208 pages

Publisher: Fair Winds Press (September 11, 2018)

Publication Date: September 11, 2018

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#39,473 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I have read many books on chakras. Some have been informative but dry, others have been more fluff than info. Dr. Perrakis combines both spiritual and historical information. Seeped deep with information, the book is reader friendly without losing even the most educated reader's interest. Beautifully written and illustrated, this book is a must have for all those who would like to have more balance in their lives. Each chakra is exquisitely explained and information on which crystals, oils, planets, runes, tarot & even recipes correspond with each chakra. A perfect gift for all who wish to know more or who are already working on aligning their chakras. I look forward to reading more books by Dr. Perrakis.

Full Disclosure: I have been a member of Dr. Perrakis' metaphysical classes for almost two years. Absolutely worth every minute and every penny!Dr. Perrakis has poured a wealth of knowledge and research into this guide. The guide is for perfect for EVERYONE, from the beginner to the seasoned practitioner of energy work.The guide is easy to navigate, chocked full of correspondences, recipes, and history. At this time in our human history, love, peace, and healing are greatly needed. As is often said, a Healer cannot heal others until they themselves are healed. Here is your starting place!

This would be a great book to anyone brand new to the idea or concept of chakras. If you participate in any of the group followings you'll find it is just regurgitated information. If you already work with the chakras it is likely you won't find anything new here. Some of the sanskrit translations are off as well as the mantras, but the illustrations are beautiful and the book is beautifully written.

I pre-ordered this book and was so excited to receive it. I could not believe that the font on the main text was so small! No way even with glasses could I read it. I have a multitude of books that I read with no problem. I was bummed.

Just got it yesterday...pre-ordered it as soon as it was available. I'm still reading it and will be for a long time. There is an amazing amount of info in there all laid out in a simple, sensible manner. Whether ur a beginner or experienced working with chakras, this is a complete guide. Each chakra has its own meditation, gemstones, rituals, even runes! You don't need to cross-reference other books or search for info, everything is laid out plainly and in easy to understand ways. It's like an encyclopedia and a how-to all in one. The artwork is exceptional. The art and colors of each section correspond with that particular chakra. Besides the chakra work, there's so much more...working with deities, offerings, rituals...it's amazing the amount of knowledge Athena was able to condense into one book, without losing any of the history. I feel like it gives the reader a very strong knowledge of chakra work but in a concise yet all-inclusive way. It's a brilliant piece of writing with amazing art. I def recommend this book to anyone looking to learn about chakra work or the fundamentals of metaphysics and energy.

Dr. Perrakis has included more information on chakras in one book than any other I have read. By bringing historical and relevent information together in one book it us an must read! Chakras, herbs, oils, meditation... Well written without being stuffy or boring! I look forward to reading all future books by Dr. Perrakis!

First i want to say... this book is filled with information. Not only does it have information on chakras and what exactly that is but tells you how to balance, activate energy flow and more. It tells you what correspondences for each chakra... gemstones, oils, herbs etc. and yes it is the ultimate guide! There are also some great recipes in it. I highly recommend this book!!

Dr. Athena Perrakis gives detailed information she practices in her daily life. Many of us are looking to begin change within ourselves to encorporate light into the world. If this resonates with you, then this book is for you! It's very effective if you just trust in yourself and in the process. As a beginner to Chakras and the metaphysical and quantum mechanics world, I have experienced great growth in just reading and implementing the first Embodiment Exercise Of Sensing Ancestral Imprints. Each chapter in the book is an exercise in daily life. In my opinion, in order for you to get the best results of the book, it is best read and understood slow and methodically. Have an open mind and an open heart. Thank you, Dr. Athena Perrakis for being an amazing mentor and thank you for this offering of great wisdom from your Heart, Soul and Spirit. PK

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Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

Free Download Lisa Murphy on Play: The Foundation of Children's Learning

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Lisa Murphy on Play: The Foundation of Children's Learning


"Lisa Murphy says it exactly as it needs to be said. Play is the foundation. She says it with humor even as she backs it up with eons of research. But most importantly she shares the fire in her belly with us infusing us with her enormous passion and dedication to doing what’s best for children. I intend to have a copy of this book with me always—so that I can hand it out to people who need to read it for whatever reason!"—Tamar Jacobson, PhD, author of Don't Get So Upset!Make time on your schedule. Lisa Murphy On Play is not only a book you need to buy, it's a book you need to read.—Jeff Johnson, author of Let Them PlayLisa Murphy on Play: The Foundation of Children's Learning comes from a 'play advocate' and early childhood education expert who has a clear understanding of the importance and role of play in the early education process, and who provides a fun primer directed to adults (teachers and parents alike) who want to incorporate more learning opportunities through play experiences. Chapters reduce this concept to seven basic routines that can easily be done with children on a daily basis, teaching how to make these seven methods a part of daily activities and how to connect them to basic concepts kids will learn from. From making time to move and grow to cultivating creativity and a sense of touch, this is a solid guide any adult can easily use with all children.—The Education Shelf, California Bookwatch"Lisa Murphy says it exactly as it needs to be said. Play is the foundation. She says it with humor even as she backs it up with eons of research. But most importantly she shares the fire in her belly with us infusing us with her enormous passion and dedication to doing what’s best for children. I intend to have a copy of this book with me always―so that I can hand it out to people who need to read it for whatever reason!"―Tamar Jacobson, PhD, author of Don't Get So Upset!Make time on your schedule. Lisa Murphy On Play is not only a book you need to buy, it's a book you need to read.―Jeff Johnson, author of Let Them PlayLisa Murphy on Play: The Foundation of Children's Learning comes from a 'play advocate' and early childhood education expert who has a clear understanding of the importance and role of play in the early education process, and who provides a fun primer directed to adults (teachers and parents alike) who want to incorporate more learning opportunities through play experiences. Chapters reduce this concept to seven basic routines that can easily be done with children on a daily basis, teaching how to make these seven methods a part of daily activities and how to connect them to basic concepts kids will learn from. From making time to move and grow to cultivating creativity and a sense of touch, this is a solid guide any adult can easily use with all children.―The Education Shelf, California Bookwatch

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About the Author

Lisa Murphy, MEd, has spent more than 20 years in early childhood education, teaching and working with children in various environments. As the founder of Ooey Gooey, Inc., Lisa’s mission is to assist in the transformation of early childhood education through her more than 200 workshops and keynotes each year. Using humor and real-life anecdotes, she connects with audiences and is recognized for her ability to link hands-on activities to educational standards, her outspoken advocacy, and her commitment to creating child-centered and play-based early childhood environments.

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Product details

Paperback: 192 pages

Publisher: Redleaf Press; Revised edition (May 3, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 9781605544410

ISBN-13: 978-1605544410

ASIN: 1605544418

Product Dimensions:

5 x 0.5 x 7 inches

Shipping Weight: 12 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

5.0 out of 5 stars

15 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#79,701 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

This book is a must have for any preschool teacher. It is an easy read that held my attention enough to read the entire book in 2 evenings. It really focused on how important play is in early childhood. It is essential for learning. every school administrator and all policy makers should have to read this book. It would be nice for parents too.

Agree with her philosophy on the importance of play in the toddler/prek years. She had research to back up her points and suggestions for gathering your own.

It's like she knows me!

Love her books.

Lisa 's info is awesome in any form!!!!!

The best way for children to learn!

Awesome book! Great for anyone involved in a child's life! I am recommending it to everyone!

Great book for any educator in early childhood.

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Lisa Murphy on Play: The Foundation of Children's Learning PDF

Lisa Murphy on Play: The Foundation of Children's Learning PDF
Lisa Murphy on Play: The Foundation of Children's Learning PDF
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