Selasa, 28 Juli 2015

Download PDF A Book of Five Rings

Download PDF A Book of Five Rings

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A Book of Five Rings

A Book of Five Rings

A Book of Five Rings

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A Book of Five Rings

About the Author

Miyamoto Musashi (1584–1645), was a Japanese swordsman and ronin. Musashi, as he was often simply known, became renowned through stories of his excellent swordsmanship in numerous duels, even from a very young age. The founder of a style of swordsmanship, he also wrote The Book of Five Rings, a book on strategy, tactics, and philosophy that is still studied today. Miyamoto Musashi is widely considered a Kensei and one of the greatest warriors of all time.

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Product details

Paperback: 46 pages

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (November 2, 2012)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1480268682

ISBN-13: 978-1480268685

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.1 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.9 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.3 out of 5 stars

1,043 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#6,721 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I would place Musashi-san's Book of the Five Rings on par with classical teachers like Sun Tzu, Laozi. His book lacks detail compared to some of the classics, but that is one of its strengths. He spends approximately 1/6th of the short book on the movements and tactics for sword-fighting, which may be of varying value to readers - depending on their interest on the subject.Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" places emphasis on large scale military operations; which lends itself to modern business (in the mind of the reader, and in many modern expositions on a domain-by-domain basis) - supply chains, market saturation, globalization, operational budgeting, etc., Musashi-san's "Way" is likewise applicable. Musashi-san focuses on large scale and small scale (individual) battle, offering useful comparisons and contrasts. For me, the individual focus was extremely insightful and personal. It may suit individuals who have situations of high responsibility or discretion (e.g., negotiations, debate, martial arts, software development), or cases where an individual does not have an abundance of resources or allies - and opportunity is gained through competition.The book is highly quotable, and I found myself reading this short <100 page book over a month's time because every few pages gave me something to think about, research, mull over, and discuss. Almost paradoxically, his vagueness and insistence that the reader practice, research, and train builds toward a thesis - "By learning one thing, one should know 10000 (myriads)."As a retired IT person and CIS college instructor - my lesson on any topic was not to memorize procedures or things easily looked up in technical references; but principles, how information flows, how to identify processes (and problems in them), to detect the presence of patterns, or put simply "How is this problem or system similar or different from others you've encountered. I wish I had known about this book sooner, as he does an excellent job demonstrating this approach to learning.

 Unfortunately I can't give a review on the content as the book I received is incomplete. Yes, every other page is blank. And because I took to long to get to reading it, I can't return it. At least it wasn't very expensive. You get what you pay for I guess.

Reading Musashi is a right of passage. The man was a complete badass, on a level many of us will only ever dream of.That said, he excelled in killing people, not writing books, and this reads exactly how you would expect a world-renowned killer would write. The passages and subjects are scattered and disjointed, and at times make very little sense. Sometimes hes describing precise sword movements and battle tactics, next hes talking about extremely esoteric ideas in a rambling, stream-of-consciousness sort of way.I'd say what you get out of the book is entirely subjective. It's been said that this is the Japanese version of Sun Tzu's "The Art of War." All Japanese executives have read it. Martial arts masters have read it. Historical scholars and enthusiasts as well. If you have the ability to take 18th century martial arts tactics and apply it to modern day situations, you could gain a great deal from this book. If you read it literally... well you may just have a laugh and write it off as the crazy mutterings of an old man.Either way its a cheaply priced, reasonably-sized book, and this is one of the better translations out there. Definitely add it to your collection and give it a go. Plus you'll be able to brag that you've read Musashi, a man who died undefeated with over 60 confirmed kills in martial combat! Total badassery!

This Edition:Great translation of an excellent book in a small but well constructed hardback. The addition of various calligraphy and Musashi's The Way of Walking Alone are a welcomed treat that adds further depth to an already remarkable book.This book:The Go Rin No Sho (a.k.a. The Book of Five Rings) is the definitive book on Samurai Philosophy by the archetype of The Wandering Samurai himself, Miyamoto Musashi. Throughout his remarkable life, Musashi developed a philosophy and a style all his own. As stated early in the text, his philosophy is not Budhism, nor Taoism nor any other existing philosophy. It is rather a hard won and practical philosophy, almost a code of conduct and a way of viewing the world that is not bound by esoteric nor abstract thinking. Instead, his writing is about a gradual awakening and clarity of thought that his many and varied experiences led him to. Despite being written by a rampant, unwashed and bewilderingly intelligent swordsman with an odd smattering of formal education, his ability to elucidate the intricacies of strategy and apply it to all aspects of life are staggering and surprisingly relevant even now. You do not have to be a fan of Japan, Samurai, the Edo period, eastern philosophy or any other genre you may want to file this book under in order to appreciate it. It is relatively short, easy to read, to the point and like the man himself, deadly accurate. Enjoy the genius that is The Book of Five Rings.

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Jumat, 17 Juli 2015

PDF Ebook Journey Into Mohawk Country, by George O'Connor

PDF Ebook Journey Into Mohawk Country, by George O'Connor

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Journey Into Mohawk Country, by George O'Connor

Journey Into Mohawk Country, by George O'Connor

Journey Into Mohawk Country, by George O'Connor

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Journey Into Mohawk Country, by George O'Connor

From Booklist

O'Connor, writer and illustrator of the entertaining children's book Kapow! puts pictures to the actual diary entries of Dutch trader Van den Bogaert, who set off through New York's Indian territory in 1634, searching for a source of valuable beaver pelts. More than simply illustrating the account, O'Connor fills it with a new life--expanding on ideas only touched upon, creating action and conflict, and casting some welcome humor into the Dutchman's somewhat dry original commentary. While not exactly fast paced, the odyssey is filled with unusual details and insights about the Native Americans--the frequency of bear meat in their diet, their practice of treating certain illness by vomiting on the patient, their attitudes toward the foreigners. O'Connor himself seems well versed on the subject, and his pictures conjure an authentic sense of a sparse and demanding landscape as they offer a glimpse into a lost culture. The diary is absent of racism, but there is a single frame of nudity and a bloodless depiction of a scalping. Jesse KarpCopyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

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“First Second goes to Mohawk Country - By Kate Culkin First Second, Henry Holt/Roaring Brook's graphic novel imprint, continues to push the boundaries of graphic literature with George O'Connor's Journey into Mohawk Country, a book-length comics adaptation of a 16th-century Dutch trader's diary. Journey will debut in September with an initial print run of about 15,000 copies, and First Second editorial director Mark Siegel sees it as a groundbreaking effort that will earn praise as an unusual comics work and as a work of history. "It is an important historical journal, with wonderful art by O'Connor," he says.Journey tells the story of Harmen Meyndertsz von den Bogaert, who in 1634 traveled from Fort Orange (present-day Albany) with two companions deep into Mohawk Indian territory to forge a new trade agreement for beaver pelts on behalf of the Dutch West India Company. Their efforts helped ensure the survival of New Netherlands, which included what is now Manhattan, thus shaping the history of New York City and North America. In an interview with PWCW, debut graphic novel artist O'Connor explains that he learned of von den Bogaert while reading Russell Shorto's Island at the Center of the World: The Epic Story of Dutch Manhattan, the Forgotten Colony that Shaped America (Vintage). He then sought out William Staarna and Charles Gehring's translation of the journal. His subsequent research included sketching hundreds of artifacts in museums: "Basically, anyplace that had some time-appropriate collections of Iroquois artifacts, I dropped by.""Doing Journey into Mohawk Country was like scratching an itch I didn't know I had," says O'Connor, author of the popular children's books Kapow!, Kersplash (both S&S Children's) and Sally and the Some-thing (Roaring Brook). The final product represents a impressive collaboration among O'Connor, Siegel and colorist Hilary Sycamore. O'Connor's first draft presented realistic but dry renderings of the journal's events. Siegel encouraged the artist to portray the emotion and humor of the Dutchman's experience, while keeping his words intact. O'Connor believes he ultimately grasped the "soul of the story," which is "the tale of these three young men sent into the wilderness of North America, with really no preparation or support to speak of, and how the experience transformed them." Sycamore's rich palette of browns, yellows, and purples is critical to the book's emotional resonance, and O'Connor praises her talent and her patience: "She would endure these long conversations with me, filled with many pointless diversions and trivia I had picked up, as I explained what I hoped she could accomplish with the color, and she would come back with something even better than I had envisioned.""O'Connor," says Siegel, "is a very good self-promoter. He used to work at [Manhattan children's bookstore] Books of Wonder, and knows a lot of people and a lot of places." The author will tour Hudson Valley bookstores in the fall. First Second featured the book prominently in its displays at the MoCCA Art Festival, San Diego Comic-Con and American Library Association, and will feature it at the New York Comic-Con as well; copies were distributed at Book Expo. Material from the hundreds of sketchbooks O'Connor created will be posted on the First Second Web site ( Second is hoping Journey's story and illustrations will appeal to a wide audience, particularly history buffs, librarians, teachers and young adults, as well as fans of innovative graphic novels. "The whole thing can be read in many different ways by different people," notes Siegel. Gene Luen Yang, a high school teacher and the author of American Born Chinese, also on First Second's fall list, is creating a teacher's guide for the book.Historical works are an important part of First Second's publishing plans. "The graphic novel can be such a lovely way to work with history, because there are some things you can really pick up with the text, and some with the illustrations, without either weighing the material down," Siegel believes. The prominent historian Catherine Clinton is currently working with the artist Tanitoc on two projects for the company: Booth, about John Wilkes Booth, and another with the working title Constitution.Working on Journey has been satisfying experience for O'Connor, but he's back working on children's picture books. Seigel says he is now working on a book called Uncle Bigfoot for Roaring Brook, about a boy who believes his uncle is a sasquatch, and spent six months in Southern Europe researching ideas for a graphic novel that will draw on the elements of Greco-Roman mythology. As for his hopes for Journey, his first graphic novel, O'Connor says, "I really hope that Journey into Mohawk Country really turns a lot of people onto this amazing and almost completely overlooked period of history.” ―Publisher's Weekly“O'Connor's graphic novel is an example of the kind of work that will engage younger teens and spark interest in a potentially dull and little-known segment of American History. Based on the 1634 journal of Dutch trader Harmen Meynderstz van den Bogaert, this describes his venture into what is now the state of New York. The 23-year-old interacted with Native American tribes, establishing trust in order to acquire wildly popular beaver pelts used in European hat-making. O'Connor incorporates rich browns and blues against a black backdrop in the work's panels that include both interior and exterior scenes. Readers can almost feel the extreme cold and the harsh conditions of the region. The tribes' lifestyles are presented favorably and their customs enhanced by the artwork. Several facial expressions are presented with exaggerated juvenile quirkiness, making the work's interest level as definitely middle-school. Though the price tag is high for the format, the book's quality ensures its place in studies of pre-Revolutionary America.” ―Kirkus“O'Connor, writer and illustrator of the entertaining children's book Kapow!, puts pictures to the actual diary entries of Dutch trader Van den Bogaert, who set off through New York's Indian territory in 1634, searching for a source of valuable beaver pelts. More than simply illustrating the account, O'Connor fills it with a new life, expanding on ideas only touched upon, creating action and conflict, casting some welcome humor into the Dutchman's somewhat dry original commentary. While not exactly fast paced, the odyssey is filled with unusual facts of Native American life, like the frequency of bear meat in their diets, the strange practice of curing certain sicknesses by vomiting on the patient, and peculiar combination of both serving and being bemused by foreigners. O'Connor himself seems well versed on the subject, and his pictures conjure an authentic sense of a sparse and demanding landscape as they offer a glimpse into a lost culture. The diary is absent of racism, but there is a single frame of nudity and a bloodless depiction of a scalping.” ―Jesse Karp, Booklist“In 1634, an employee of the Dutch West India Company volunteered to find out the reason beaver-pelt trade at Fort Orange (present-day Albany) was taking a nose-dive. Bogaert and two companions, Willem and Jeromus, took a six-week journey to meet with their former Indian suppliers and learn the truth behind rumors of the new trading alliance that seemed to be undercutting business. O'Connor takes Bogaert's terse record of the journey and creates not only a literal pictorial rendering of their adventures in graphic novel format but fleshes it out with credible, if speculative, subplots that play out only in the full-color sequential art. Graphic novel format is, admittedly, an unusual choice for reproducing a colonial document, but O'Connor brings it off with panache. Working within the comic book idiom, star-of-his-own-story Bogaert is the bright-eyed, Doonesbury-esque sharp guy, his sidekicks are tall-and-lean and short-and-round, and most of the workaday Indians encountered are heavy-browed and solemn, except when they're snickering or forehead-slapping over the white guys' ineptitude on the trail. Arenias, the Sinneken leader who ultimately saves their financial bacon and guides them back to Fort Orange, gets the role of superhero with his pumped-up muscles, brilliant-toothed smile, unshakable benevolence, and possession of the beautiful, loving wife whom Bogaert has been lusting after. O'Connor's particular skill lies in taking a snippet of the translated historical journal (e.g., "We came at one hour into the evening to a cabin one half mile from the first castle. No one was there but women") and, while remaining true to the known course of events, launching a visual back story (e.g., in which Willem gets himself a girlfriend) rife with humor or tension. The 1634 encounter captures a moment in early Indian/white contact when, although disease had insinuated itself into native communities, the two races still met as equals at the pelt bargaining table, confused and skeptical of each other¹s customs, but knowing a good deal when they saw one. Notes on geography and sources are included, as is a glossary of terms.” ―The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books“From December 11, 1634, to January 21, 1635, Dutch trader Harmen Meyndertsz van den Bogaert traveled one hundred miles from Fort Orange, on the tip of what is now known as Manhattan, into the heart of the Mohawk tribe. The French had begun butting into the Dutch beaver pelt trade, and van den Bogaert and his friends needed to protect their market to prevent the failure of the colony. During the trip van den Bogaert kept a journal, unabridged and unaltered except for the translation, that O'Connor uses as the basis for the book. O'Connor handles his duties well in his first graphic-format rendering. His pictures are funny and interesting and keep the flow of the book going. Starna and Gehring's translation is easy to read, while still retaining the work's old-fashioned flavor. A glossary at the back of the book helps with Dutch or Mohawk words that could be confusing, although most questions are answered by the illustrations.The main problem with placing this title in nonfiction is that O'Connor's interpretations of the action could be taken as what actually happened as opposed to an artist's liberty. The book is a good choice for libraries looking for something different for their graphic novel shelves, but it should be paired with the original work or other book on the history of New Amsterdam colony in order to get the full picture of the times.” ―Snow Wildsmith, VOYA“This is an adaptation of the journal of Harman Meyndersantsz van den Bogaert, a Dutch barber-surgeon. In December 1634, he and two companions journeyed into upstate New York. Their mission: forge new trade agreements with the Indian tribes in the area. In the 1630s, beaver hats were all the rage in Europe, so beaver pelts were of vital importance to the small settlement of New Amsterdam. The Dutchmen traveled from village to village, dining on such delicacies as beaver meat, beans lathered in bear grease and cooked pumpkin. They watched a village play war games, saw how Indian healing worked (the doctors thrust sticks down their throats and vomited on the patient), and attempted to buy a tame bear. Since they journeyed in the heart of the winter, there was a lot of snow. Journey Into Mohawk Country is a good choice for graphic novel collections with an educational emphasis. Bogaert's journal provides a wealth of interesting historical details, but in itself is rather dry reading. It is left to O'Connor to fill in the details, which he does by creating visual gags, giving his protagonists personalities they probably didn't possess, and making up stories that didn't happen--for instance, Willem Tomassen (one of the Dutchmen) gets a girlfriend. Journey Into Mohawk Country contains mild comic book violence and is recommended for junior high and high school graphic novel collections.” ―KLIATT

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Product details

Age Range: 12 - 18 years

Grade Level: 7 - 9

Paperback: 144 pages

Publisher: First Second; 1st edition (September 5, 2006)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1596431067

ISBN-13: 978-1596431065

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.4 x 8.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 8.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.3 out of 5 stars

19 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#704,962 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Journey into Mohawk Country is based on a journal by H.M. Van den Bogaert with illustrations by George O'Connor.The diary served as a wonderful focal point for this graphic treatment. Written in the graphic novel style, the book follows a dutch trader who leaves Manhattan Island to explore Indian country in the winter of 1634. The young man meets with various Indian groups, trades tools and weapons for fur and food, and learns about the native cultures.This well-researched book attempts to illustrate the adventure with authentic visuals that reflect the time period and cultures represented, while still making the work accessible to young people. The author takes come liberties in interpreting the journal's references to some issues. For instance, when the author refers to the lack of privacy in some villages, the illustrator shows the frustrations Bogaert probably felt about the lack of toilet facilities.This book serves as an excellent model for anyone wishing to convert an historical text into an engaging graphic reading experience. Teachers should find it particular useful in stimulating interest in this time period.As usual, First Second have succeeded in publishing another outstanding graphic work for all ages.

Purchased this book for the youth of our Bogart family. The original author is a distant relative who interacted with our direct ancestor in what is today Manhattan. This book has been an amazing gift to share with the kids, history can be boring for some, but not when it is in a relatable context. Many thanks to the modern author and illustrator, well done 👏🏼

"Journey into Mohawk Country" is a splendid graphic novel. I enjoyed the stylized artwork as well as the way that the artist interpreted Bogaert's 17th Century report concerning his travels to the lands of the Iroquois Confederacy. There is a lot packed into each frame. I read this book six times within the course of one day, and each time that I read it, I noticed something that I had missed earlier. The artist is able to express a lot of activity and even conversations with suprisingly sparse writing to accompany it. All in all, an excellent book. I would be very interested if George O'Connor did even more colonial-era graphic novels.

Font very small and hard to read for kids.

This graphic novel was a great buy; I cannot believe the level of storytelling achieved using a simple journal as a skeleton. Anyone who enjoys this period in American history or historical graphic novels in general will probably be glad that they gave it a chance; I happen to enjoy both, so this book was a home run.

Ordered for a school library. Excellent book, story and transaction. Thank you.

I had get this for history class, but honestly I would read this even if it wasnt for the class. It's a very nice book done in a comic strip style. Very pleasing to read. Quick too.

This comic book adaptation from an 18th century journal is ideal to get kids interested in the Mohawk tribe. Beautiful drawings.

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Journey Into Mohawk Country, by George O'Connor PDF

Journey Into Mohawk Country, by George O'Connor PDF
Journey Into Mohawk Country, by George O'Connor PDF
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Sabtu, 04 Juli 2015

Get Free Ebook Living History, by Hillary Rodham Clinton

Get Free Ebook Living History, by Hillary Rodham Clinton

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Living History, by Hillary Rodham Clinton

Living History, by Hillary Rodham Clinton

Living History, by Hillary Rodham Clinton

Get Free Ebook Living History, by Hillary Rodham Clinton

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Living History, by Hillary Rodham Clinton Review

As with most books written by politicians while in office (or at least aiming for one), Living History is, first and foremost, safe. There are interesting observations and anecdotes, the writing is engaging, and there is enough inside scoop to appeal to those looking for a bit of gossip, but there are no bombshells here and it is doubtful the book will change many minds about this polarizing figure. This does not mean the work is without merit, however, for Hillary Clinton has much to say about her experience as first lady, which is the primary focus of the book. Those interested in these experiences and her commentary on them will find the book worth reading; those looking for revelations will be disappointed. Beginning with a brief outline of her childhood, college years, introduction to politics, and her courtship with Bill Clinton, Clinton covers a wide variety of topics: life on the campaign trail, her troubled tenure as leader of the President's Task Force on National Health Care Reform, meeting with foreign leaders, and her work on human rights, to name a few. By necessity, she also addresses the various scandals that plagued the administration, from Travelgate to Whitewater to impeachment, though she does not go into great detail about each one; rather, she seems content to simply state her case and move on without trying to settle too many old scores. Along the way, she offers many apologies, though perhaps not the kind some would expect. She does not shy away from her "vast right-wing conspiracy" comment, for instance, though she does wish that she had expressed herself differently. Regarding the Monica Lewinsky scandal, she maintains that her husband initially lied to her, as he did the rest of the country, and did not come clean until two days prior to his grand jury testimony. Calling his betrayal "the most devastating, shocking and hurtful experience of my life," she explains what the aftermath was like personally and why she has elected to stand by her man. In all, Living History is an informative book that goes a long way toward humanizing one of the most recognizable, and controversial, women of our age. Shawn Carkonen

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From Booklist

The early reactions to Hillary Clinton's much-anticipated memoir (no prepublication review copies were distributed) have amounted to a kind of referendum on the person rather than a review of the book. Everyone has a theory about Clinton and why she wrote her book, but few of the commentators have bothered to read the volume, and none seem interested in reflecting on how it stacks up as an autobiography. In fact, it stacks up pretty darn well. Certainly the book has faults. Many early critics have pointed to the almost 600 pages and called the book too long. Wrong again; in some places, it isn't long enough. For instance, Clinton virtually flies over the Gennifer Flowers affair, and the other women in Bill Clinton's life--except for Monica and Paula--are not mentioned at all. She could have gained some space by not tipping her hat to so many "good friends"; myriad people are so described. What Hillary does very well, however, is to give readers a sense of who she is, starting with an effective description of her childhood and college years that manages not only to reveal her character but also to evoke the era vividly and in great detail. Her evolution as a wife and mother, as First Lady, and as a political lightning rod is portrayed in an engaging fashion, and her discussions of political policy, while occasionally dry, are well reasoned and worth reading. The book works especially well when the private and public Mrs. Clintons come together; for example, when she spearheads the health-care wars as her own father is dying. Only true Clinton haters will refuse to see her as a woman of faith or dispute the fact she loves her husband. Those two qualities pervade the pages. Ilene CooperCopyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

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Product details

Hardcover: 576 pages

Publisher: Simon & Schuster; 1st edition (June 9, 2003)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0743222245

ISBN-13: 978-0743222242

Product Dimensions:

6.1 x 1.3 x 9.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.9 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.6 out of 5 stars

704 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#630,218 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

This book took Us back into the Fascinating, Struggling and the High's and Low's of Hillary and Bill Clinton's Family. And Also the Remarkable Journey of Bill Clinton becoming A Governor. And President Of The United States Of America, Twice. An Also Hillary Clinton as a Governess. And First Lady Of United States Of America, Twice. Also Hillary Fascinating Journey to Becoming The First First Lady to Hold the position as a Senator. New York was the Beautiful State Hillary Clinton Chose to be a Senator of, after leaving the White House. Later she Ran to Be Nominated as President Of The United States of America. The Nomination, she Won. She was the First Woman Ever to be Nominated by Any Party For The Presidency Of United States Of America. Kudos to the Clinton's. This was a Wonderful Book.

Thoroughly enjoyed reading this memoir of Secretary Clinton's life during her childhood and the White House years. I appreciated her candor and letting us see her experiences from her viewpoint.

This book was very informative, and a shock. I wasn't alive during thetime period of the book, but it was a great history to have so I could better understand Hillary's later memoirs, so I started with the first one. I was pushing myself to read it at many times, but I'm glad I did. The book inspired me to look into a career with politics, and inspired me to start campaigning as well. I'm blown away with her courage and determination to help the lives of others, in our country and around the world. It was slow, repititive, and tedious; but if you have a long attention span and some determination to get through it, you'll enjoy it as much as I did!

Excellent book.

First I'd like to say that I do not agree with Hillary's philosophy.but the book she wrote was interesting, and a lot of fun to read. it was a story of her life, starting from her childhood. she even included her parents' life before she was born. it was nice to see a politician sharing her life-story with readers who want to get to know her all those who want people to believe the worst in her, I have to say: this woman might not agree with you on issues, but she is still a nice lady, who had an amazingly interesting life.

Hillary is one of the most villified woman in American history and the knee-jerk negative reaction of some of the Amazon's reviewers (many who apparently never bothered to read this book) is just an another example of the right wing conspiracy against her. Sure, she isn't a saint. But who is? George Bush? Give me a break.This is her AUTObiography, therefore, she casts her story in the most positive light possible. Did anyone expect anything else?The most interesting part of this book is her pre-White House days. The Clintons could have been a very wealthy couple (both are Yale law grads) if their goal was money. Instead, they have spent many relatively financially modest years in Arkanasas performing mainly public service. Hillary's only private sector job was with the Rose Law Firm, which she became a partner. They are the only White House couple in the last 50 years not to have their own separate private vacation home.The book also reveals Hillary's incredible work ethic, intelligence, and loyalty to her husband. Say what you will about her, but I don't think any of the three can be questioned. Overall, I found Hillary's life to be inspirational to all those who aspire to rise to the top from a rather modest beginning.Finally, I didn't know Bill Clinton's early life was so difficult. His biological father died before he was born and his stepfather regularly beat his mother until he was 15, when he was finally big enough to defend his mother. I imagine there has been many violent encounters between Bill and his stepfather. I wonder why Bill still kept his stepfather's last name "Clinton".

Hillary is such an intelligent and intriguing personality, but unfortunately this collection of essays (which is how it reads) is downright is more like the narrative that would accompany a photo album or scrapbook than an autobiography. It could have benefitted greatly from more thorough editing...and one of my pet peeves that ended up distracting me throughout was the incessant use of the word "friend(s)." Check it out: barely a paragraph goes by without describing someone that way (Newt & Monica not withstanding). I'd hate to have to tackle her Christmas Card list.Hopefully, as her political career continues to unfold we will see more candid, opinionated writings from this history-making personality. She owes it to her supporters...and to historians!

Still trying to complete this book, about 80% complete. I have learned alot from, and enjoyed this book.

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Living History, by Hillary Rodham Clinton PDF

Living History, by Hillary Rodham Clinton PDF
Living History, by Hillary Rodham Clinton PDF
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Jumat, 03 Juli 2015

Get Free Ebook , by Morris Fenris

Get Free Ebook , by Morris Fenris

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, by Morris Fenris

Product details

File Size: 1664 KB

Print Length: 145 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Changing Culture Publications (August 1, 2015)

Publication Date: August 1, 2015

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#132,571 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Rob and Fee. I felt Rob's pain of his family going forth and multiplying. Seems like they took that to heart. I just knew his young love was gonna be this story. But I wanna know what happened to the electricity zing between him and Fee? And did the sheriff's sister ever marry? What about the last Yancey hold out's wedding? We need to know these things.

Apparently others have a different definition of an excellent book. I was going to go 1 star but felt 2 was justified because I did push through the book. At 17% I almost stopped. At that point I felt like it was just a list of family members. Half way through a story started but the author pushed it to the side. The big drama in the story ended up being a side note.

A great book and a great read.Been reading kindle books quit sometimes now cause I find it very comfortable cause no need for me tobring all along my books. From time to time I can read a book in my kindle fire. This book is one of my favorite now.

This is the second book of this series I have read and I am so hooked, this is also the second book by this author. I have added the author to my must read list. I enjoy this story and had a hard time putting it down, a lot going on and keep my interest. If you enjoy a good western romance with a bit of shock twisted in you will enjoy this one.

Rob Yancey, son of Matthew and nephew to the other nine Yanceys, has grown and graduated for college. Joining the family business he must discover what the problem is with four of their hotels. Will be avoid marriage or fall just like the first generation of Yanceys? Find out about Quint's love too.

This was definitely another great Western. Being the 10th in this collection I was sure that I was in for a treat and that is exactly what I received. In every sense it was a gripping Western romance that was worth purchasing! It was light and thoroughly engaging!

Another great western piece of the Taking the High Road series. I love the flow and build up of the story-line which adds to the suspense. Each character is believable and relatable which makes it such a great page turner. The story does not only appeal to the western romance lovers but to all those who love a great romance piece. Highly Recommended.

A great book and a great read.Truly a book that shines above so many others in this genre, Taking the High Road is a western romance for all! I love the flow and build up of the story-line which adds to the suspense.This book is one of my favorite now. Highly Recommended.

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Rabu, 01 Juli 2015

Free PDF , by James Dean

Free PDF , by James Dean

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, by James Dean

Product details

File Size: 22178 KB

Print Length: 32 pages

Publisher: HarperCollins (January 5, 2016)

Publication Date: January 5, 2016

Sold by: HarperCollins Publishers

Language: English



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#7,385 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

My 4 year old's pre-k was doing Pete the Cat themes and he fell in love with cats. I bought this and a set of more of them and he was super pleased. the art is adorable and colorful and the cat characters always look calm and gentle. The story keeps his interest.

This is a cute little story for early readers or young kids. Pete the cat goes on a scuba adventure looking for a seahorse but can't find one. Little does he know but the sea horse is following him around at all times. My kids giggled on each page as Pete can't find the seahorse that is tickling him on the foot. This is about right for a 1st grade reader. It isn't all phonetic 1 and 2 syllable words, but the words and sentences repeat and are pretty simple.We love Pete the Cat and this one is another early reader winner

Although I was in the education world years ago, I had never heard of Pete the Cat until my oldest son started Kindergarten. After he begged me to get these books, I started liking some of them a lot. I have bought a few that I feel are literally pointless or complete copies of other stories (Halloween one!), but this one is a pretty good one. I like that it is a cat going scuba diving... that's funny to the kids. Plus, the entire seahorse part is funny to the kids as well. So, definitely entertaining and has some educational parts that the kids find interesting.

"Read it again Mommy, again!" That's my little daughter who can't get enough of this book every night before bedtime. She loves to call out the different sea creatures Pete the Cat encounters with each page, looks concerned when the cave becomes very dark and he can't find his way out, then smiles from ear to ear when he finds a way out of the cave and finds out what's been tickling him during his dive. This is the first Pete the Cat book we've bought for her, and it definitely won't be our last! Great to read to your preschooler!

"Can we read it again RIGHT NOW?!?!" asked my four year old emerging reader, upon finishing this book!It was an instant hit!Synopsis: Pete is on an adventure to see many ocean creatures, but especially a seahorse, after the captain whetted his appetite by telling him about it. As he traverses the wide ocean world, he discovers many interesting fish and places but never seems to put two-and-two together that there is a seahorse following and tickling him the whole journey through! Of course at the end, it all comes together!The children giggled, and their mother loved that they were learning about all kinds of aquatic animals as we went along!If you enjoy this, another hearty recommendation would be the "hilarious" book May I Please Have a Cookie? (Scholastic Readers, Level 1) and if you were looking to reinforce the educational aspect of Pete the Cat Scuba-Cat, check out this beautiful book: Over in the Ocean: In a Coral Reef.

Perfect for my 4-year old who has just started reading. The repetitive characters are great and she really likes them. The books are relatively short and the pages are one or two lines. Perfect for new readers with easy words and relatively few difficult words.

My little girl loves Pete! She was reading 98% of words in these books before she even started Kindergarten. Now I get her the books because she enjoys reading them and because they have cute stories and repetitive sight words that help kids familiarize themselves with the words and gain confidence.

My kids love Pete the Cat and the set of books for beginning readers is great. The sentences are short and vocabulary are at the perfect level for the beginning reader. We have almost all the books as well as some of the more non beginner books as well. highly recommended!

Kids love Pete the Cat! Very fun to read and nice for learning with word repetition for increased word recognition. With the word repetition, kids don't get so frustrated and sustain attention. The illustrations are also great and help with word/concept identification.

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