Kamis, 24 Januari 2019

Ebook Download

Ebook Download

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Product details

File Size: 6878 KB

Publication Date: April 16, 2018

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#380,623 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Well written

Jason Dergham captures Nose Mythology quite like no one else does. You can tell that he has done thorough research to create the perfect story of the Norse gods and how their world came to be. The pictures are drawn so perfectly as well and they really help create an image in your mind of what happened in the Norse gods' universe. This book has given me a new perspective on a mythology not often discussed as much as Greek or Roman. I have a new appreciation for Norse mythology now. Please get this book-- you will NOT be disappointed!




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Kamis, 03 Januari 2019

Free Download , by Jeremy McGilvrey

Free Download , by Jeremy McGilvrey

In this life, occasionally you need something that will certainly captivate you even it likewise provides the good values. Not all of the important things ought to be so stationary as well as challenging to acquire good ideas. Constantly remember this , By Jeremy McGilvrey as one of the resources that you can review. This is what you can take from guide that we advertise right here. It is likewise simple to get and discover guide.

, by Jeremy McGilvrey

, by Jeremy McGilvrey

, by Jeremy McGilvrey

Free Download , by Jeremy McGilvrey

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, by Jeremy McGilvrey

Product details

File Size: 1842 KB

Print Length: 230 pages

Publisher: Unknown (June 28, 2017)

Publication Date: June 28, 2017

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#12,291 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I bought this book because the reviews were high and I would like to understand better how Instagram works and how to use it to increase my brand recognition, thinking that adding followers would accomplish that goal. I really didn't want another B2B guru. I think the information in this book is really most helpful to those in the B2B niche and that isn't me - I'm just an ordinary sheep farmer in the exploding homesteading/fibercraft niche, and I'm an introvert to boot. His first tip is that Instagram is mobile and we need to optimize for mobile devices. Yup, I knew that. Second tip is that it is highly visual. Sigh. I expected more information about producing "scroll stopping" images than just a brief review of three photo editing/writing programs and a forceful exhortation that I must do it. I already know that I need to take great images and put a filter on them. Then there is some common info on logos, publishing a compelling profile picture, and writing a concise bio. The remainder of the book focuses on choosing a profitable niche and creating products to sell to that niche. The author has a lot to say about producing digital products and courses. In fact, it really seems it is about selling products, particularly e-products, period. My product is a brand and a service, it just doesn't translate as well. If your business fits a compatible niche and has products, this method may work well. His growth method relies on connecting with influencers and eventually paying them to shout-out your products and page. There is advice about using automated systems to post and comment. My niche is all about relationships and the organic growth of everything, including wool. Automated doesn't fly. So, if you do have informational products or want to get in on the business of selling e-information and promoting "how to do business" or "how to motivate" to other folks, this might be a good book for you - but it didn't help me at all. I can't see how to translate his system to growing my Instagram without an actual product to sell online. Plus, the tone is very forceful, pushy even. This author reminds us "that Instagram is a continuous hustle." As the book promotion says, the whole thrust is to turn these abstract followers into dollars. He has a system for that, but he reminds us that we may need to loose sleep and skip meals to implement it. Complete focus on growing the account.That may be what you need. I didn't like it. After seeing his system, I suspect he may have paid for his high reviews.

A lot of the stuff applies only to his industry. Other stuff I already knew. Not worth the money. And don't even bother with his software unless you want a bunch of torally random followers that give you nothing.

Some solid advice (that you can find on websites or Youtube pretty easily), followed by a push for you to buy the app he developed, which apparently breaks all kinds of rules on Instagram. Don't waste your time with this book.

This book is a great layout, for exactly what you need to do to get a following. While I have read a lot of books on the topic, this is the one that has everything clearly laid out, as a plan, not just things to jump from here to there with. An online business doesn't happen overnight, and if you do not understand how to build across platforms, and keep front of mind, you will never be able to succeed. This is a plan, plus encouragement, to get there.

Instagram Secrets is Amazing and Exactly what I needed to grow my Instagram following. I can see the Success Already. Big Time Thanks, Jeremy!

I liked the topics in this book and how they each were explained in depth. Very interesting and educational! The chapters were not too long which I liked. Overall a great book to learn more about how to crush it on Instagram.

Thanks jeremy ! FYI, your book helped me a lot and I had big problems in creating an engagement of my followers. I currently have 6,900 followers but my engagement drop. I was having like 400-600 likes but dropped to 150-250 because I was not that consistent anymore until I read your book. Still in the process of everything you said but I am having 250-450 likes already and I followed your COA strategy. My latest post got at least 40-60 comments lol. Thanks again !!!! Still in the process but improving ! I learned more about the things I was doing correctly and things I was not. You can check my profile @positiv.co

Hands down, the best reference to grow your following and increase sales and engagement. I've been able to grow @spasmskateboards by 12K since implementing the strategies in this book! Thank you Jeremy! Excellent job!

, by Jeremy McGilvrey PDF
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, by Jeremy McGilvrey PDF

, by Jeremy McGilvrey PDF

, by Jeremy McGilvrey PDF
, by Jeremy McGilvrey PDF
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Selasa, 01 Januari 2019

Free PDF Maestros and Their Music: The Art and Alchemy of Conducting, by John Mauceri

Free PDF Maestros and Their Music: The Art and Alchemy of Conducting, by John Mauceri

Have you heard that reading can boost the brain to function well? Some individuals actually believe keeping that instance. However, many people also include that it's not about reading. It's about exactly what you could take the message as well as perception of the book that you check out. Well, why can you assume by doing this? However, we are sure that reading by practice and smart can make the reader reviewed it extremely well.

Maestros and Their Music: The Art and Alchemy of Conducting, by John Mauceri

Maestros and Their Music: The Art and Alchemy of Conducting, by John Mauceri

Maestros and Their Music: The Art and Alchemy of Conducting, by John Mauceri

Free PDF Maestros and Their Music: The Art and Alchemy of Conducting, by John Mauceri

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Maestros and Their Music: The Art and Alchemy of Conducting, by John Mauceri


"Engaging, funny, and profound . . . In clean prose and witty asides, [Mauceri] explains the method behind the ostensible magic of orchestral conducting, and leads a whirlwind tour through some of the last century's memorable maestros." —Zoë Madonna, The Boston Globe“To read Maestros and Their Music is to come away with a much clearer understanding of what its author calls the ‘strange and lawless world’ of conducting.” —Terry Teachout, Commentary “Frank and informative about many aspects of the job of maestro . . . few authors have expressed so vividly the huge role of the score itself in a maestro’s daily work, or the non-glamorous status of the guest conductor.” —Opera News    “Mauceri demonstrates what it’s like to work closely with brilliant conductors, bringing their artistry to life.” —Publishers Weekly“Symphony-lovers will be thrilled with the behind-the-scenes details, and aspiring conductors will enjoy the rich industry insight. Those simply curious about how classical music happens will feel drawn in by Mauceri’s palpable passion.” —Booklist “Informative and entertaining… [Mauceri] has an insider’s grasp of the vagaries of the music business... [Maestros and Their Music] will appeal to both musicians and others seeking a broad base of information about conducting and conductors.” —Library Journal“You think conducting is a matter of a maestro merely knowing the score? Let John Mauceri open your eyes and ears to the mysterious, solitary, itinerant world of the conductor and have all preconceptions blown away. Mauceri rips the smoke and mirrors off his profession with wicked and gleeful lucidity, filling us in on its history and answering questions you didn’t even know to ask. This irresistible and unique book is guaranteed to send you to the concert hall and your CDs with newly educated ears—and heart.” —John Guare, playwright  “Articulate and insightful, John Mauceri unapologetically invites us into his world, offering a perspective seldom shared and little understood. Conductors are largely mysteries and intentionally so. John leads us on a journey, taking apart the complex and rebuilding it in a way that creates a narrative anyone can understand. This book not only unmasks a profession, it does the same for meeting and knowing John himself. Whether you are a board of directors looking for your next music director or simply a music lover, I highly recommend reading this book.” —Anne Parsons, president and CEO of the Detroit Symphony “Written with the profound insight that comes out of a lifetime of conducting experience, John Mauceri’s brilliant book about maestros and their music will transform your understanding of every concert and opera you attend. Everyone who cares about classical music should read this book.” —Larry Wolff, author of The Singing Turk“Combining rare insights with personal, sometimes hilarious, recollections and historical anecdotes, John Mauceri has created a remarkably perceptive and charming guide into the mysterious art of the conductor. Part personal confession, part wise explication, Maestros and Their Music will be of tremendous value to anyone who wonders just what that person waving a stick in front of an orchestra is actually doing.” —Stuart Isacoff, author of A Natural History of the Piano

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About the Author

Over the past five decades, JOHN MAUCERI has conducted symphonies, operas, ballets, musicals, and film music around the world, appearing in the world's most famous venues and serving as music director of four opera companies and three orchestras, as well as hosting television and radio programs. An accomplished recording artist, he has more than seventy albums to his name, and is the recipient of a Grammy, a Tony, a Billboard, two Diapasons d'Or, three Emmys, and four Deutschen Schallplattenkritik awards. He has written for The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The Times of London, and The Huffington Post, among other publications.

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See all Editorial Reviews

Product details

Hardcover: 272 pages

Publisher: Knopf; First Edition edition (November 7, 2017)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0451494024

ISBN-13: 978-0451494023

Product Dimensions:

6.6 x 1 x 9.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.5 out of 5 stars

29 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#329,852 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Highly recommended. Profound and comprehensive insight into the art, science and practical aspects of conducting orchestral music (with and without choirs and/or soloists), ballet, opera and (to a lesser extent) musicals. All written in a most engaging style. Why just four stars and not five? I feel the author missed a wonderful opportunity to reveal more by introducing a little modesty. The record shows that he was a moderately successful conductor, but not an all-time great. I would love for him to have addressed this point: how did it feel to come to grips with the fact that, despite success, he was not going to be another Bernstein, Karajan or Rattle etc? This would have been a wonderful revelation in the book.Instead, he seems overkeen to big himself up with a great deal of name-dropping and photographs of himself with legendary performers. Perhaps this is a sign that another vital ingredient in conducting - not referred to at all in the text, but evident in the subtext - is amour propre. That ingredient is most conspicuous in his website. But to avoid ending this review on a down note, let me stress that this is a most informative and readable account of what a conductor contributes to a performance or recording.

To begin with, a personal reminiscence. As a critic, I ran before I could walk. (Don’t we all?) But soon, an urge arose in me to go back to first principles. A question that particularly intrigued me was the role of the conductor, kingpin of musicians, who personally produces no sound.John Mauceri’s book Maestros and Their Music: The Art and Alchemy of Conducting takes me back a quarter century to 1993-94, when I organized a season of live interviews with leading conductors at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.Together with Hilde Limondjian, the Met’s indomitable impresario of Concerts and Lectures, I came up with seven names. One played hardball over the penny-ante issue of rights to a transcript. One temporized past the point of absurdity, probing through an intermediary who else had committed. The other five signed on instantly, no strings. Boasting a guest list of Daniel Barenboim, Pierre Boulez, Valery Gergiev, James Levine, Kurt Masur, Riccardo Muti, and Sir Georg Solti, “Conductors in Conversation” sold out by subscription and later aired for home listeners on WNYC.We covered a lot of terrain. For me, perhaps the single most revealing moment came in dialogue with Kurt Masur, who said that some extremely despondent piece of music ended on a note of hope. I remarked that I had heard him claim the same thing for a number of other bleak compositions and asked if he might be afraid to send the audience home in a state of hopelessness. A long pause followed. “Yes,” he said at last. “I think I am.”As for the bedrock questions—What is the role of the conductor? What does the conductor do?—the answers I came up with for myself were these. The role is twofold: in rehearsal, to act as surrogate for the composer, and in concert, as surrogate for the audience. Either way, a great conductor will be one who wants more. More of what? More sensitivity, more expression, more accuracy, more fire, more individuality, more discipline, more audacity, …—take your pick.For those who happened to miss that season at the Met, Maestros and their Music: The Art and Alchemy of Conducting offers a top-notch alternative. Apparently, the world has been waiting: to date, translations into Italian, Russian, and Japanese are in the works, plus not one but two versions in Chinese.Hugely versatile, technically bullet-proof, artistically driven, Mauceri belongs to the class of practitioners of his art whose merits have kept him in constant worldwide demand for a half century without quite winning him a pedestal among the legends such as my seven All Stars or the three he names as mentors: Leopold Stokowski, Carlo Maria Giulini, and Leonard Bernstein.Perhaps for that reason, his history and analysis of his profession are as enlightening as they are down-to-earth. He has seen it all, knows where the bodies are buried, and makes no bones about naming names.The panorama of his profession is organized in masterful fashion, and the prose sparkles. Opening with a short history of conducting, he explains not only what came to pass but also why it did, as well as the ways an increasing reliance on conductors shaped new ideas of what kind of music could even be written and performed. Chapters on technique, on learning a score, and on the training of a conductor follow.Examining scores under the microscope, as the responsible maestro must, Mauceri sheds light on key moments of Aida, La Bohème, and Porgy and Bess. Other lessons are delivered via anecdote. Taking Mahler’s counterintuitive but meaningful and meticulous tempo markings at the start of the Fourth Symphony to heart, Mauceri once received a slap on the wrist from a British critic, who noticed what was happening but had no clue why.“Was I right?,” Mauceri asks not quite rhetorically. “Yes. Did I convince? No.” Checking a landmark New York Philharmonic recording led by Bernstein, Mahler champion supreme, Mauceri wondered why Bernstein had overlooked the instructions in question. “I chickened out,” Bernstein confessed. (Speaking of Bernstein, you’ll want to hear about his lunch in Salzburg, at home with Herbert von Karajan.)Owning up to incidental frustrations, Mauceri steers clear of self-pity. He is open in sharing his disappointment at return engagements that failed to materialize. To this day, when critics make complaints based on prejudice or preference rather than research into the score, he finds it “quite simply, annoying.”Elsewhere, Mauceri examines how and why no two conductors’ performances are alike, how and why recordings and live performance differ in their very nature (notably in their intervals of silence). He has trenchant observations on a conductor’s relationship with the music, the musicians, the audience, the critics, and owners and management. His experience as a road warrior—weighed down with orchestral scores, coming back to his hotel for a post-concert sandwich assembled from the buffet at breakfast—crushes any notion of the glamour of the job. The alchemy hinted at in the book’s subtitle comes into its own in the final pages (“The Mystery: Everything and Its Opposite”). On mystique, that indispensable yet most gaseous quantity in the equation, Mauceri is more matter-of-fact than most.But the most telling part of the book may be the chapter “Who’s in Charge?” Here, Mauceri anatomizes the politics of the concert hall and the opera house with clinical, devastating precision. Suffice it to say that power may not lie where a civilian might expect. There’s Francesca Zambello in Washington, either clueless or indifferent about Gershwin’s markings in Porgy and Bess, insisting on adjustments. And then there’s Beverly Sills, a diva in twilight, rehearsing La Loca, written for her by Gian Carlo Menotti. The title character Juana, mother of the future Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, would be both her last role and the first written to order for her. After the world premiere in San Diego, the fledgling Mauceri was brought in (“I do not remember why”) to conduct the revised version at New York City Opera.“Gian Carlo, I told you no changes,” Sills reprimanded Menotti at the first New York rehearsal when he pointed out that a bit of blocking made no sense. Moments later, Menotti had decamped with what appears to have been remarkable composure. “Who does he think he is?,” Sills fumed. “Does he think these performances are sold out because of him?”Newly established in New York with a wife and one-year-old to support, with no immediate prospect of other work, Mauceri kept his head down. The better part of a lifetime later, he wonders if he should not instead have left in solidarity with the composer. But perhaps it was not just the paycheck that kept Mauceri on the piano bench. As he writes in another context, “music owns us, in the same sense that the land owns the farmer.”

I’m a conductor and I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. Most books about performers are filled with anecdotes and can be amusing and informative if one cares about the details of their personal lives and all the events in their careers . Mauceri's book, contains its share of entertaining stories, but it succeeds on a more profound level. It is one of the few books that deals with the mystery of the art. There are plenty of books on the “technique of conducting” and gossip about famous conductors. This book succeeds in describing the true essence of the art. It will be a very worthwhile red for any conductor or symphony player.

I am a conductor of a pops orchestra and this book gives a fun inside perspective on the life and even the social tribulations of conducting. It also gave me a new appreciation for the great Leonard Bernstein. The breakdown of specific pieces of music and the styles of conducting those pieces was insightful. I enjoyed every minute.

I purchased additional copies of this book to give as impromptu gifts to friends, family and colleagues because I wanted to keep my own to reread and as a resource after reading for the first time. A must read for any musician or patron of the performing arts. Wonderful and intriguing behind the scene stories. Very interesting history, interpretations and insights on what occurs on stage and off. Beautifully written and a joy to read. A treasure for anyone who want to studying or is curious about conducting or directing at any level.

A tale of a musical journey, with many revelations along the way, to illuminate what an orchestra (or pit) conductor does. The demands, the pitfalls, and the history - it's a long history, but it's told here with breezy good humor and meticulous scholarship. It's an understatement to say that John Mauceri fills a niche with this memoir. For me, I felt a desire to get to see more conductors at work, to get to more live concerts, to look at more scores, and to hear more music of all sorts. His enthusiasm is contagious!

An insightful and fun read. Lots of great stories about conductors and musicians and lots of examples of music compositions and how different conductors do them differently. He's worked with some of the greats (Lenny) and seen lots of great and not so greats in action. Very clear prose and Mr. M is a friendly and warm guide. As I'm reading, I feel I'd like to have dinner and a long chat with Mr. M. High praise.

Does a great job of capturing the personalities and approaches of the various competitors and increases one understanding of how conducting is more than emoting while waving one's hands about

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Maestros and Their Music: The Art and Alchemy of Conducting, by John Mauceri PDF

Maestros and Their Music: The Art and Alchemy of Conducting, by John Mauceri PDF

Maestros and Their Music: The Art and Alchemy of Conducting, by John Mauceri PDF
Maestros and Their Music: The Art and Alchemy of Conducting, by John Mauceri PDF
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