Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

Download PDF The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

Download PDF The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

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The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

Download PDF The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

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The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 13 hours and 37 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Audible Studios Release Date: February 26, 2019

Whispersync for Voice: Ready

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

As I approach 80 years of age, I have always wondered about those days and how it came about. This book really sets it all in perspective.An interesting part of world history

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. I'd been meaning to read this book for years. Like all things of expectation, it wasn't what I thought it would be. What ever is, really?I struggled early with Wolfe's prose. He came off as incredibly ranty, and needlessly verbose, in a sometimes distracting way. He used a lot of hyphens, ellipses, and strange punctuation. (ex: "the lime:::::light::::::"). After some time however I realized that this wasn't how he writes all the time, but rather an attempt to fit his writing to the subject at hand. At first I thought this was somewhat obnoxious, but as I went on I grew more used to it. And besides getting used to it, there were flashes of genuine brilliance in there as well. I mean, some situations were described with such accuracy, insight, and understanding that I was really blown away. These particular portions of the book were, I'm sure, heavily influenced by interviewing primary sources, but regardless Wolfe penned it well.I was appreciative of the fact that throughout the book Wolfe didn't focus solely on the positive and made it clear that there were conflicting interests among even the Pranksters. When in situations like this not everything is happy happy joy joy let's eat acid and mellow out. Interests don't ALWAYS run in the same direction, and when you have someone like Kesey (who is basically a lodestone of the psychedelic variety) running the show there are bound to be rifts and doubts between people. This is a natural thing and I'm glad Wolfe addressed it.I think the best thing to say about this book is that it made me think. Long and hard, sometimes. I found myself reading passages from it and then gazing into the distance in some deep contemplation about anything and everything. The book would spark a thought in me that would turn into a full fledged reflection, maybe even far beyond the points that the book brought up in the first place. Good writing does that I suppose.I will say that I didn't like the way the book ended. It was somewhat anti-climactic in that it sort of just fizzled and went out. Though, I guess you could say the same thing of the Merry Pranksters. There is allegory in that, like so much else in that long, strange trip to go Furthur. COSMO!

A one-of-a-kind document, stylistically daring and lovingly researched, that shows at once everything appealing and everything appalling about the 60s with a remarkably neutral eye, neither idolizing nor demonizing any of the figures that it shines its piercing light on.

This book is a "must read"! It is the the key book defining the history of the intelligentsia of the best parts of the emerging psychedelic movement in the 60's. Its Main character is Ken Kelsey, famous for writing "One Flew Over the Cook-coo's Nest". One of Tom Wolfe's best, and clearly his most significant work.

A great book, one of my favorites. Fascinating subject, fun to read, and extremely well written, especially since it's narrative non-fiction. Given that half of the action occurs in the characters' minds, and given that three fourths of that is neither real nor readily describable, it has to be said that Wolfe did a truly expert job.

i agree with most of the positive reviews here...i'll just add a few notes...for whatever reason, i had always thought this book was fiction (and i don't read much fiction) - but it isn't - the author (Wolfe) adds his own unique stylistic flourish, but otherwise it's a (mostly) 'straight'-up's not about the summer-of-love hippie era, but rather what could be considered the immediate 'prequel' to those the movie 'Magic Trip', made from the film Kesey & the Pranksters took on their x-country bus expedition, you get to see the Pranksters, and they look far more preppy/beat than they do hippie, but you also see signs of what was (soon) to come in their wake...Deadheads may be more than a little shaken to realize how close Tom Wolfe was to the Dead, and yet how amazingly little of them appears in this book - i don't think Wolfe was all that into music, at least not 'Dead' music...Another pretty-much-non appearance is a little group known as the Beatles, who were very much exploding on the music scene just as many of the events of this book were taking place. There's a chapter where the Pranksters actually go to a Beatles show, but they were apparently mostly unimpressed...Beatlemania not their thing...One major puzzle (for me) is that this book wasn't written by Ken Kesey - the centerpiece (& financier) of the book's events and himself a true-blue published author. That's not a knock on Wolfe, just a bit of is it possible that Kesey didn't write this book?a fun read all the same...

Fun ride. I read this book in 2015, decades after it was written. Takes you back in time, great insight into the drug culture and hippie hedonism. You feel like you know these people, although I would never invite any of them to my house!

This is second time I have read it. Pretty "gonzo". A nice "as if you were there AND could hear their thoughts" feel. It gives some insight into the mindsets of a few major players of the Psychedelic movement. It dabbles somewhat in metaphysics and the nature of consciousness without judging or drawing conclusions. A quick entertaining read.

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The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test PDF

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test PDF

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test PDF
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test PDF

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