Rabu, 06 Juli 2011

PDF Download , by Nancy Warren

PDF Download , by Nancy Warren

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, by Nancy Warren

, by Nancy Warren

, by Nancy Warren

PDF Download , by Nancy Warren

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, by Nancy Warren

Product details

File Size: 4027 KB

Print Length: 207 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Ambleside Publishing (November 28, 2018)

Publication Date: November 28, 2018

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#10,738 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

STOCKINGS AND SPELLS is a standalone read with a VERY satisfying ending. Lucy, the owner of Cardinal Woodley's knit shop, inherited from her Gran in Oxford, England is at it again. Lucy seems to always be in the middle of some adventure every time someone is found murdered. I LOVED this story. The whole time I was reading my stomach was rolling waiting to see what happens next and wanting them to get on with so I could find out who did it!! It is a great read, I think the best so far for this series.Lucy makes a new friend at the local Christmas market. The market is pretty much like the craft fairs we have around Christmas time. The young woman is clearly keeping a secret. She is not real open and at peace. Unfortunately, before they can become very close the woman is found in her booth where she was strangled. Lucy goes into PI mode and is determined to find out who tried to kill her friend and why. The plot thickens as an ex-boyfriend puts in an appearance and he too acts rather strange. The plot thickens even more when a local author, very famous for his fantasy novels he put out almost twenty years ago, (reminds you of Harry Potter) comes into the story.This story kept me riveted. I could not put it down. Nancy has done herself proud. This is a truly great story with a very satisfactory end. HEA in a way. It is not a love story but there are a couple of very interesting males that have shown an interest in Lucy. One is a vampire, Rafe, so we don't know how far that can go. He is hundreds of years old and Lucy is human and 27. The other is a detective for the local police. Ian is definitely interested but he moves rather slow!! Could be a British thing. Lucy has a big adventure in all the books. They can be read as standalone or read the series starting with book one to see how it all began. I definitely recommend all the books in this series. A very good series.I was not paid for this review. I am not a writer nor do I know one. I am not kin to this author. I am a reader and this is my opinion, nothing more, nothing less. 11/29/18 LOVED IT.

Nancy Warren is back, with her latest entry in her Cozy Mystery series, the Vampire Knitting Club.Neophyte witch Lucy is still working hard on getting a handle on her witchy powers, when her vampire buds announce to her that they want to take part in the annual Oxford Christmas craft fair.....And guess who's going to be their go-between? As if she didn't have enough on her plate trying to deal with the day to day of running Cardinal Woolsey's and keeping hold of an assistant who didn't turn out to be a complete psychopath. But she's going to manage Timeless Treasures as best she can, without getting drawn into.....Oh, no! The sweet girl running the bath and body products stall across from her was just strangled. She's still alive, but will she stay that way? And who the heck could have done such a dastardly deed? Was it her nutty boyfriend that she just broke up with? Could it possibly be an ex-colleague of her father's, who insists her father plagiarized his work many years ago. Could it maybe have actually been her father, in the throes of a drunken rage? Join Lucy, Rafe and the rest of the gang as they race to discover who tried to murder Lucy's new friend Gamma before they return and finish the job! A wonderful, spooky good Christmas read sure to keep you guessing till the end.

I just finished the this fourth book in the series and all I can say is wow. I'm not usually a Vampire person but I love The Vampire Knitting Club. All three books are worth the read. I didn't notice any editing errors so if there were any they were minor. The main characters are engaging and very likable. The story plots are refreshing and new. I would recommend these books to anyone who like fun, mysteries, with a little drama. Too much drama turns me off. I'm so excited that book 5 is due in February.

I was hooked from the first chapter. Who knew vampires could not only knit at warp speed (which I would love veg to see), but be so generous with their talents. It wasn’t until the very end that I started to suspect who done it. From stolen manuscripts and false claims to who was the actual writer. To a stalker ex boyfriend. This tale had more drama than you could ever believe. The description of the market and the surroundings made me wish I could be there. I loved it!

I'm not a cozy expert but this series has gripped me completely. It's a wonderful mystery with multiple deaths, mayhem and unanswered questions. Delightful. Nancy weaves her world of vampires and woolens well. A fun read that would stand on its own even without prior knowledge of the Oxford circus she has created.

A successful booth selling stockings(knit by crafty vampires) in the Christmas market and a new friend. What could go wrong?So much!! But Lucy and her friends are on it.They'll solve that mystery and more.Love this series so much. Read them all!

This is the first vampire series that I have ever read. I avoid any book that includes them. However, I couldn't resist the idea of the Knitting Club. I am entertained and have been reading each book in order. It is lightweight and cozy, just what I enjoy.

I love this new mystery series that combines two of my favorite subject - vampires and knitting! This is a holiday story with fun characters. This was a nice Christmas gift from me to me.

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