Minggu, 29 Juli 2012

PDF Download Super Powereds: Year 3: Super Powereds, Book 3

PDF Download Super Powereds: Year 3: Super Powereds, Book 3

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Super Powereds: Year 3: Super Powereds, Book 3

Super Powereds: Year 3: Super Powereds, Book 3

Super Powereds: Year 3: Super Powereds, Book 3

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Super Powereds: Year 3: Super Powereds, Book 3

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 41 hours

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Tantor Audio

Audible.com Release Date: August 23, 2016

Whispersync for Voice: Ready

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

It's been a long time since I've anticipated a series continuation as much as I have this one.I always wonder a bit whether it's worth my time to write reviews for one of the later books in a series. I mean, either you're familiar with the series and need little help deciding whether to keep going – I certainly didn't wait around for reviews before picking up this one! – or you're not, in which case you'd presumably realize you should be investigating the first book. Still, even though you probably don't need my opinion to weight your purchase decision, I think Super Powereds 3 deserves all the praise it can get.I tend to go on, so for those looking for the TL;DR version, here you go: Buy this. It's good.If you're after analysis, though, keep reading.I'm not going to bother rehashing the plot. For one thing, you can read the blurb and the other reviews as easily as I can, and for another, you already have a good idea what the HCP students' junior year will be like.Well...actually, no, you probably don't. There are a fair number of surprises. I just don't intend to spoil them.Drew Hayes came to my attention when I stumbled upon his book NPCs. It was on sale, and it sounded like a cute little diversion, so I picked it up...having no real idea just how good a writer he is. I know better now, but it's worth mentioning that there are some things he does very, very well.Intrigue. Intrigue is hard for a lot of writers to write. Honestly, I have my doubts as to whether I'd be any good at it. It's not something an author can fake; his brain has to work in the same twisty fashion as his characters'. Hayes has the touch, though. He gets inside the heads of his criminals and his subtlety heroes and he makes it all authentic. It's really, really impressive.Plot webs. SP3 – and by extension, the whole Super Powereds series – is not a run-of-the-mill linear story. He can weave mysteries and plots that resolve themselves right there in the book with multiple overarching slow-burning storylines, and he does it with great finesse. There's a depth to this series that's sadly lacking in a lot of the SF/F offerings we're seeing lately.Density. Just like the earlier books, SP3 is LONG. Really, it has to be. Hayes has five main characters (or six, I guess, depending how you count Roy and Herschel), and many, many secondary characters that have nearly as much flesh on their bones as the mains. In a story that ambitious, the author can go one of two directions: he can skim the surface, or he can publish something with a massive word count. There are disadvantages to the latter route, naturally. Long books intimidate people, for one thing, and for another, an author really has to be careful not to kill his readers, slowly, one bit of minutiae at a time. Personally, I like long, involved books...but only if the story can support the length. Drew Hayes is a past master at writing a long, dense book while still making sure every word has a purpose.Balance in action. Non-stop thrill rides seem to be popular lately, and really, I'm not a fan of the trend. I read to relax, and I don't much care for stories that never give me time to catch my breath. At the same time, a story has to have some excitement in it, you know? Hayes balances the mundane with action masterfully. There's nothing exhausting about SP3, which means we have the energy to tackle the climax...which is an edge-of-your-seat, searing blitz of an ending. Which brings me to...The actual ending. You all have no idea how much I loathe cliffhangers. I can love a story with every fiber of my being, but if you dangle a cliffhanger in my face, I'll never pick up another of your books. They're manipulative, they're disrespectful, and, if you have any talent at all as a writer, they're entirely unnecessary. They're also popular lately, and I think every one of those authors who decided for whatever reason that cliffhangers are acceptable ways to end a book should pick up this one and see how it should really be done. SP3 wraps up the book's story nicely while leaving plenty of room for next year's adventures.Now, you'll probably notice that, up at the top, I gave this book 4.5 stars. That wasn't a mistake; I wouldn't call this perfect. One thing that's not perfect is the editing. It's good, certainly, but I caught mistakes. (I can still recommend this, though, even to those readers who cannot abide errors; they weren't numerous, and they were easy enough to overlook.) Also, I mentioned in one of my earlier reviews that there's a bit of a same-voice issue, and that hasn't really been resolved. While I wouldn't say the characters all blatantly speak with the same voice, there are SO MANY characters, and some of them start to resemble each other. Similarly, the dry, sardonic humor that I like so much seems to come out of more characters than is maybe realistic.But...pfft. Those are quibbles, and I'm really only including them because I don't believe there's ever not room for improvement. This is an outstanding installment of an outstanding series, and you should read it.

Book 3 might be the best book of the series, even though things don't wrap up here. This is the book where our characters face their first real stakes and lives are on the line. You also get to see the professors and dean in real action, which has been teased for a while.This series is so much fun. The characters are all different and evolving, but in consistent and logical ways.No character is sacrificed for the sake of ham-fisting any political messages into the book. There is kind of a natural diversity and natural politics to the books that is the result of great world building rather than a right or left agenda. I read books and go to movies for enjoyable escapism and great imagined worlds... I do not go/read to have far right or extreme progressive ideology beat over my head and shoulders. Note to Hollywood... THIS IS HOW YOU DO IT... if you want stories with strong, diverse characters, follow Drew Hayes lead and write strong characters who just happen to be whatever gender or race they happen to be. Drew could've used a dart board to determine gender/race in these books. It's diverse naturally, and it doesn't matter... no character has their legacy destroyed to try to prove a political point.To anyone who misses the escapism of movies like the original Star Wars Trilogy... or Indiana Jones... or The Incredibles... or most of the MARVEL movies... places where all people could go, enjoy, and leave our problems at the door? ...these books are probably better.

We’re back with the gang from Melbrook. And this year is going to be harder for them on more levels than just trying to pass their exams. Some learn the truth about their families. Some learn the truth about their friends. They all learn some hard truths about themselves. But this year seems to be more easy going for all of them with the exception of Nick. His rival from Vegas seems to be determined to send him sleeping with the fishes, despite Nick’s efforts to the contrary. All this culminates in a VERY hardcore scene toward the end of the book. I will say, they do not come away unscathed. And that they have a better understanding of what’s in store for them once they become heroes. I will say that there are some SERIOUS stuff that we find out. Not everyone is as they claim to be and not every situation is as it seems at first sight. It has set me down a few. I’m going to have to re-read everything AGAIN now that I have this newer information.I gotta say I’m still in love with the crew and Nick is still my favorite. And we got to see TITAN!!!! Whoohoo! LOVE that guy! If you haven’t been to Mr. Hayes’ website, you need to. It’s imperative! AND while you’re there, READ CORPIES!!!! (www.drewhayesnovels.com)Mr. Hayes is gearing up for one heckuva climax and I cannot wait to be there to see it. This is going to not only involve these kids from Melbrook and Lander in general, this is also going to include the Class of Amazeball Heroes that includes Titan and Globe and Zero etc. I canNOT wait!!! So, would I recommend this?!?! Do you even need to ask such silliness?!?!? OF COURSE!!!! Go! Get it!!! NAOW!!!!!

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Super Powereds: Year 3: Super Powereds, Book 3 PDF

Super Powereds: Year 3: Super Powereds, Book 3 PDF
Super Powereds: Year 3: Super Powereds, Book 3 PDF
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Selasa, 24 Juli 2012

Download PDF An Amish Reunion: Four Stories, by Beth Wiseman

Download PDF An Amish Reunion: Four Stories, by Beth Wiseman

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An Amish Reunion: Four Stories, by Beth Wiseman

An Amish Reunion: Four Stories, by Beth Wiseman

An Amish Reunion: Four Stories, by Beth Wiseman

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An Amish Reunion: Four Stories, by Beth Wiseman

About the Author

Amy Clipston is the award-winning and bestselling author of the Kauffman Amish Bakery, Hearts of Lancaster Grand Hotel, Amish Heirloom, and Amish Homestead series. Her novels have hit multiple bestseller lists including CBD, CBA, and ECPA. Amy holds a degree in communication from Virginia Wesleyan University and works full-time for the City of Charlotte, NC. Amy lives in North Carolina with her husband, two sons, and three spoiled rotten cats. Visit her online at AmyClipston.com; Facebook: AmyClipstonBooks; Twitter: @AmyClipston; Instagram: @amy_clipston.

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Product details

Paperback: 400 pages

Publisher: Zondervan (April 9, 2019)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0310352711

ISBN-13: 978-0310352716

Product Dimensions:

5.5 x 0.9 x 8.4 inches

Shipping Weight: 10.7 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.6 out of 5 stars

8 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#20,602 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

An Amish Reunion is a collection of novellas by 4 leading Amish fiction authors.Their True Home. Amy ClipstonRudy Swarey has devoted himself full time to working at his fathers hardware store. The constant work helps him not focus on his past mistakes but he does feel a deep yearning for something more. Marlene returns to Bird in Hand with her father and sister. They have been gone 10 years. Marlene is so happy to return home. She immediately takes a job at Swarey's Hardware store to help put down roots and rekindles long lost friendships.Reunion of Hearts. Beth WisemanRuth and Gideon Beiler were a happily married couple until a tragic accident took the life of their young daughter and tore them apart. Both left the Amish lifestyle and entered the outside world. After 5 years of living apart they are returning to divide up their house to sell so that both may move on to live separate lives.A Chance to Remember Kathleen FullerCevilla Schlabach has a nice record as a matchmaker in her Birch Creek, Ohio community. She has been happy serving the Lord as a single woman over the past 80 years. God brings a long lost friend, Richard Johnson, back into her life who brings comfort and companionship to her life that she did not realize was missing.Mended Hearts Kelly IrvinHannah Kauffman is trying to turn her life around. She is a hard working single parent who made a mistake and feels she will spend the rest of her life trying to undo her past. A young man in the community, Philip, has shown interest in her for the past couple years. It appears as though he is ready to make a permanent commitment to Hannah and her daughter Evie. All moves forward until Thaddeus, Evie's father returns, wanting to be a part of their lives.It is a great book!

An Amish Reunion : Four StoriesBy: Amy Clipston, Beth Wiseman, Kathleen Fuller, and Kelly IrvinAn Amish Reunion is about four Amish authors writing Amish stories about reuniting with those you love.Their True HomeBy: Amy ClipstonThis is a story about Marlene and her dedication to her family. Will she ever have a home and love? I really loved this story.A Reunion of HeartsBy: Beth WisemanA Couple is faced with a tragic event in their lives that you don’t hear about much in the Amish.Will their love overcome everything else? Do they have a future together? I really enjoyed this story very much.A Chance To RememberBy: Kathleen FullerThis story was so sweet. Is second chances real ? Can they happen when you are older.Mended HeartsBy: Kelly IrvinForgiveness and second chances. Another story that you don’t hear much about in the Amish.Will there be a second chance? Loved this story and felt so sorry for Hannah.I was given a complimentary copy of this book, but was not told that I had to give a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Novellas force authors to get right to the plot, scene following scene in rapid fashion. It’s like watching TV drama, but better. Four well-known Amish authors combine in this anthology, based on reunions. A perfect way to get acquainted with 4 Amish authors, or gift a copy, how I received my copy. Great to reunite with some of the folk of past series districts, and meet new Amish friends, with new challenges.Each story also available individually on Kindle.Get ready now! These 4 authors promised on end pages to unite once again for “An Amish Christmas Bakery” scheduled in October, 2019 in time to send to Amish reader friends as a Christmas card extravagance. I visit a real Amish bakery near my town and “wonderbar holiday joy”—do they do baking right. That’s also true of this quartet of Amish authors—gifters of words.THEIR TRUE HOME –AMY CLIPSTONBird-in-Hand, PAAmy Clipston offers up a romantic Amish return. Returning back to Bird-in-Hand, PA, after a decade in Shipshe, IN, to find work also brings pebbles-on-window delight. Should she really think of romance with their boss’s son, the heir-apparent to Lancaster Hardware & Supply?A REUNION OF HEARTS –BETH WISEMANLancaster County, PADeath tragedy’s grief burns at both heart and soul. Its flames spread causing even greater loss. Can the Beiler couple find a way to overcome—and to a new resolve of unity? Or should they sign documents—move on. Can Amish have a second chance after divorce? Can Amish divorce? Ruth and Gideon test the limits of the Amish bond.A CHANE TO REMEMBER –KATHLEEN FULLERBirch Creek, OhioAdvancing later years after retirement causes one to realize life’s shortness. I’ve passed 7 decades—I know, no tee-shirt, only joy. This story’s duo protagonists are even older. Taking chances to find joy again is hardest on their younger kin. Kathleen Fuller told this story well, from the hearts and souls of two octogenarians. Bliss before burial—it “truly IS” all it’s cracked up to be. Amish and/or Englisch alike.MENDED HEARTS –KELLY IRVINJamesport, MissouriNavy Chaplin turned café owner offers good will as a side. Can he solve the dilemma of what’s best for an Amish baby when the confession, bann, and forgiveness of the mother gets followed by two Amish suitors, one the child loves, the other being the biological father? It’s a complicated Jamesport reunion necessitating a decision. A new union or a reunion?

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An Amish Reunion: Four Stories, by Beth Wiseman PDF

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An Amish Reunion: Four Stories, by Beth Wiseman PDF
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PDF Ebook Write Beside Them: Risk, Voice, and Clarity in High School Writing

PDF Ebook Write Beside Them: Risk, Voice, and Clarity in High School Writing

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Write Beside Them: Risk, Voice, and Clarity in High School Writing

Write Beside Them: Risk, Voice, and Clarity in High School Writing

Write Beside Them: Risk, Voice, and Clarity in High School Writing

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Write Beside Them: Risk, Voice, and Clarity in High School Writing

About the Author

Penny Kittle teaches freshman composition at Plymouth State University in New Hampshire. She was a teacher and literacy coach in public schools for 34 years, 21 of those spent at Kennett High School in North Conway. She is the co-author of 180 Days with Kelly Gallagher, and is the author of Book Love, and Write Beside Them, which won the James Britton award. She also co-authored two books with her mentor, Don Graves, and co-edited (with Tom Newkirk) a collection of Graves' work, Children Want to Write. She is the president of the Book Love Foundation and was given the Exemplary Leader Award from NCTE's Conference on English Leadership. In the summer Penny teaches graduate students at the University of New Hampshire Literacy Institutes. Throughout the year, she travels across the U.S. and Canada (and once in awhile quite a bit farther) speaking to teachers about empowering students through independence in literacy. She believes in curiosity, engagement, and deep thinking in schools for both students and their teachers. Penny stands on the shoulders of her mentors, the Dons (Murray & Graves), and the Toms (Newkirk & Romano), in her belief that intentional teaching in a reading and writing workshop brings the greatest student investment and learning in a classroom. Learn more about Penny Kittle on her websites, pennykittle.net and booklovefoundation.org, or follow her on twitter. Penny's students make a statement about how student choice in reading has affected them.

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Product details

Paperback: 272 pages

Publisher: Heinemann (May 9, 2008)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0325078173

ISBN-13: 978-0325078175

Product Dimensions:

7.4 x 0.6 x 9.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.7 out of 5 stars

31 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#74,915 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Write Beside Them is written with voice, humor, and humility. Penny Kittle does not tell us she has the perfect class with the perfect student. She tells us how to stick with what we believe to help our students achieve their fullest potential.I teach third grade (self-contained) and still gained so much insight into writing workshop with a constructivist approach by reading Penny's book.The dvd is phenomenal! It has her first day of class, her conferring with students, student work . . .I think writing teachers of grades 3 and up can gain from this book although it is geared to high school English teachers.Penny also refers to the work of other great writing teachers - Don Murray, Don Graves, Tom Romano, Tom Newkirk, Linda Reif, Nancy Atwell; it helps to have all these resources that readers can turn to for more information.

I actually bought this book because of another writing instruction book I read -- "Write Like This" by Kelly Gallagher, which was also awesome. I am only half way through this book and I am really inspired to shift my view as to my purpose as a writing teacher. Kittle reminded my why I love to write. Over the years, I have become so obsessed with teaching academia to my middle schoolers, that I seem to have lost place of why we even communicate in the first place.I understand that this book is directed at high school age kids (she mostly discusses her HS seniors), and I have junior high school kids, but everything she discusses is totally applicable to them.

Kittle is very moving in this text! Definitely tugs on English teacher heartstrings. Great ideas and strategies.

This was a required text for the Master's in Reading at Saint Joseph's University, and was by far the most useful to me as a high school teacher working with low level students. Ms. Kittle really understood the plight of the high school teacher in regards to how much reading readiness is focused on the lower grades. This is a text that should be used in all secondary education programs.

This is a step by step guide for how to approach writing in high school classrooms. It has very valuable information on how to make lessons about writing truly get to the students and how to help them achieve their best and become successful at this skill. Having the perspective of a teacher that works on these strategies on a daily basis makes this book a very relaible source of information. This is a great buy!

I had this book assigned for a college course I was taking last semester, I am studying to be a high school English teacher, and I cannot wait to go back and re-read it over the summer before I do my student teaching! Each chapter made me think about writing completely differently, and the provided DVD showed how Kittle actually runs her class and the students' reactions. I cannot begin to explain how much this book has helped me already, and I will continue to return to its wealth of knowledge as I try to help my future students with their writing!

This book has completely pumped me up for teaching writing next year! So many books are out there with great information, but I found Penny's to be the best fit for me. I think it is because she is a lot like me in her teaching style and beliefs. I LOVED that I was able to see her in action with her students and see how her first day of the workshop goes. So many of the great books on Writing Workshops out there are geared to the elementary school level and not to middle and high school and Penny has done an amazing job at showing how her Writing Workshop works in her classroom. This book will definitely be referenced many times over the coming years.Thank you Penny for such a great resource!

This book has a lot of great ideas for the writing classroom. I would recommend it to every teacher in the English Ed field.

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Senin, 23 Juli 2012

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Product details

File Size: 35550 KB

Print Length: 99 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1467115681

Publisher: Arcadia Publishing (March 7, 2016)

Publication Date: March 7, 2016

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

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Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

Get Free Ebook Great Lives: Job: A Man of Heroic Endurance (Great Lives from God's Word), by Charles R. Swindoll

Get Free Ebook Great Lives: Job: A Man of Heroic Endurance (Great Lives from God's Word), by Charles R. Swindoll

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Great Lives: Job: A Man of Heroic Endurance (Great Lives from God's Word), by Charles R. Swindoll

Great Lives: Job: A Man of Heroic Endurance (Great Lives from God's Word), by Charles R. Swindoll

Great Lives: Job: A Man of Heroic Endurance (Great Lives from God's Word), by Charles R. Swindoll

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When somebody needs to know something, this publication will most likely help to discover the answer. The reason that analysis Great Lives: Job: A Man Of Heroic Endurance (Great Lives From God's Word), By Charles R. Swindoll is a must is that it will provides you a brand-new method or much better way. When somebody attempts to make an effort to be success in certain thing, it will assist you to know exactly how the important things will be. Well, the very easy means is that you may get involved straight to act in your life after reading this book as one of your life resources.

Great Lives: Job: A Man of Heroic Endurance (Great Lives from God's Word), by Charles R. Swindoll

About the Author

Charles R. Swindoll has devoted his life to the clear, practical teaching and application of God's Word. He currently pastors Stonebriar Community Church in Frisco, Texas, and serves as the chancellor of Dallas Theological Seminary. His renowned Insight for Living radio program airs around the world. Chuck and Cynthia, his partner in life and ministry, have four grown children and ten grandchildren.

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Product details

Series: Great Lives from God's Word

Paperback: 400 pages

Publisher: Thomas Nelson (June 29, 2009)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1400202507

ISBN-13: 978-1400202508

Product Dimensions:

5.5 x 1 x 8.4 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.6 out of 5 stars

92 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#74,197 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Chuck Swindoll did a great job of dissecting the Book of Job. I love this book because it helps us understand that no matter what your trials are you must know that God is still on the Throne. Job never disrespected the Sovereignty of God but was allowed to question why especially since he knew that his life represented God. This is a great book to read to enhance growth and maturity in ones walk with the Lord. The evil one came for Job on every side but Job did not give in. No matter what his circumstances was, he never denied the Greatness of God something the whole world need to understand so that life can be lived to the fullest in Christ Jesus!

It's been a little while since I read this book till now, when I'm writing the review. But, this is one of my very favorite of Swindoll's books. It really shows how God is in control of our lives in ways we don't fully appreciate. The book makes a contentious postulation that God was directly responsible for causing Job's ailments and calamities. The argument is well formed...even if many people don't go along with it.There's no fluff or platitudes in Swindoll's writing. And his love of Christ always shines through in his books.

Any Biblical based biographies by Charles Swindoll are incredible. I have read several and can hardy put them down. I wanted to read Job as I read through the Bible every year and as mant times as I have done it, I always want to know more about what the "friends" are talking about. It is an awesome read and I highly recommend it as well as the ones about Paul, Joseph etc.

I've been trying to learn more about the characters of the old testament and I love the Charles presents it. It discusses the book of Job and all the circumstances in his life, but then he does a cool thing - he applies it modern time and YOUR life. I love that. I have become a big fan of Charles and bought many of his books this year. This book of Job was my 2nd of his I read - I read Elijah first which was awesome too. I'm on Ester right now and love that book too.

Analysis shallow and repetitive. If you want to hear in endless detail how insensitive Job's counselors were, this is the book for you. From this you would think the main purpose of the Holy Spirit in inspiring this book was to teach how not to do grief counseling. Anecdotes innocuous to offensive. Chuck is a much better preacher than a writer, and this book looks like a slapdash job put together from sermon notes. Not my cup of tea.

This is thick book. Chuck Swindoll does his best to keep interesting. A lot of scripture to cover. Never knew that from chapter 3 up to part of last chapter was written as poetry. This explains so much. His commentary adds so much to his great lives series. The whole series is just absolutely great!

Some interesting thoughts. If you are just looking or something to read that touches on the Book of Job this is ok. If you are looking for something even somewhat scholarly this is not it.

The author takes on a difficult study and, not only handles it well, he makes it easy and exciting to read. This whole series will definitely draw you closer to God.

Great Lives: Job: A Man of Heroic Endurance (Great Lives from God's Word), by Charles R. Swindoll PDF
Great Lives: Job: A Man of Heroic Endurance (Great Lives from God's Word), by Charles R. Swindoll EPub
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Great Lives: Job: A Man of Heroic Endurance (Great Lives from God's Word), by Charles R. Swindoll PDF

Great Lives: Job: A Man of Heroic Endurance (Great Lives from God's Word), by Charles R. Swindoll PDF

Great Lives: Job: A Man of Heroic Endurance (Great Lives from God's Word), by Charles R. Swindoll PDF
Great Lives: Job: A Man of Heroic Endurance (Great Lives from God's Word), by Charles R. Swindoll PDF
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Minggu, 08 Juli 2012

Download Ebook Financial Statement Analysis: A Practitioner's Guide

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Financial Statement Analysis: A Practitioner's Guide

Financial Statement Analysis: A Practitioner's Guide

Financial Statement Analysis: A Practitioner's Guide

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Financial Statement Analysis: A Practitioner's Guide


"Financial Statement Analysis: A Practitioner's Guide is a well-organized, thorough exploration of the challenges facing practitioners who rely on financial statements to make investment and lending decisions. Reference books about accounting, while valuable for their insights, are seldom this enjoyable to read. This book is different because the authors seamlessly integrate fascinating real-life examples and instructive fictional scenarios into each chapter to illustrate their points. For anyone with a passing interest in the subject, or for new analysts learning the trade, Financial Statement Analysis is an amazing resource." —Christopher Shayne, CFA, Director of Product Operations for Enterprise Risk Solutions at Moody's Analytics "Any book that reaches its 4th edition (updated to 2011) should be good. That's true in spades for Financial Statement Analysis. Fridson and Alvarez have written a classic. It should be required reading and a constant reference source on the bookshelf of any investor intending to buy individual company stocks or bonds." —Canadian Financial DIY blog "In the 1990s, Benjamin Graham's Security Analysis served as [Value Partners’] reference book, but since then they have been using Martin Fridson's Financial Statement Analysis: A Practioner's Guide." —excerpt from The Value Investors: Lessons from the World's Top Fund Managers by Ronald Chan, Bruce C. N. Greenwald (Foreword)

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From the Inside Flap

Financial statement analysis is an essential skill for individuals involved in investment management, corporate finance, commercial lending, and the extension of credit. Over the years, it has become an increasingly complex endeavor, as corporate financial statements have become more difficult to decipher. But with the Fourth Edition of Financial Statement Analysis, you'll learn how to handle the practical challenges that are part of the business. Written by leading investment authority Martin Fridson and Columbia Graduate Business School Professor Fernando Alvarez, this reliable resource outlines the analytical framework needed to scrutinize financial statements, whether you're evaluating a company's stock price or determining valuations for a merger or acquisition. Fully revised to reflect new concerns and challenges in this field, the Fourth Edition of Financial Statement Analysis will put you in a better position to get past the sometimes biased portrait of a company's performance. Divided into four comprehensive parts—Reading Between the Lines, The Basic Financial Statements, A Closer Look at Profits, and Forecasts and Security Analysis—this practical guide contains: Insights that will allow you to evaluate financial statements effectively in volatile markets and an uncertain economy Discussions on properly interpreting balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements Valuable new case studies of fraudulent reporting Tips for maximizing the accuracy of forecasts and a structured approach to credit and equity evaluation Revelations about how earnings can be exaggerated or even fabricated And much more All too often, financial statements conceal more than they reveal. But by undertaking genuine, goal-oriented analysis—instead of simply going through the motions of calculating standard financial ratios—you can uncover the true financial condition of a company. Filled with real-world examples and expertadvice, Financial Statement Analysis, Fourth Edition will help you excel at interpreting financial statements and enable you to use this information to make better business decisions.

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See all Editorial Reviews

Product details

Hardcover: 400 pages

Publisher: Wiley; 4 edition (July 5, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 9780470635605

ISBN-13: 978-0470635605

ASIN: 0470635606

Product Dimensions:

6.4 x 1.4 x 9.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.1 out of 5 stars

35 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#77,907 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

If you want to start investing in a smart way, the book is a great read, even for nonaccountant.

I have been analyzing financial statements for decades and I have found this book to be a very useful resource indeed. The book is divided into four parts.They are: Reading between the Lines, Basic Financial Statements, A closer look at Profits, and Forecasts and Security Analysis. The narrative is written in plain English, MBA not required for interpretation, and the material is relevant to credit analysts and securities analysts.If your looking for a functional and useful guide to financial statement analysis, this book will fit the bill.

Good book. Really opens the eyes to the perpetual corruption of our market system.


Fridson shows why he is one of the best high yield bond investors

Item arrived as described. I love it.

I use this book in my lectures Fundamental Analysis and Valuation for postgraduate students. It is very good supplement to the traditional valuation literature. Not only does it provide a healthy dose of theory in a readable format, but it also offers an abundance of examples. As such the book fully deserves its subtitle. A recommended read for anyone interested in financial statements and finance.

If you know nothing about financial statements, this should not be a book of your choice - it expect you to know basic meaning of financial statement figures. But it helps you to see reality behind the statement and the intentions of its issuer. Armed with knowledge and many real-world examples this book provides, you won't be fooled by clever accounting tricks managers employ to boost their compensations and achieve cheep capital for their companies. Must-read of every value investor.

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Financial Statement Analysis: A Practitioner's Guide PDF

Financial Statement Analysis: A Practitioner's Guide PDF

Financial Statement Analysis: A Practitioner's Guide PDF
Financial Statement Analysis: A Practitioner's Guide PDF
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Senin, 02 Juli 2012

PDF Ebook The Convenient Terrorist: Two Whistleblowers’ Stories of Torture, Terror, Secret Wars, and CIA Lies

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The Convenient Terrorist: Two Whistleblowers’ Stories of Torture, Terror, Secret Wars, and CIA Lies

The Convenient Terrorist: Two Whistleblowers’ Stories of Torture, Terror, Secret Wars, and CIA Lies

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The Convenient Terrorist: Two Whistleblowers’ Stories of Torture, Terror, Secret Wars, and CIA Lies

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 3 hours and 56 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Novel Audio

Audible.com Release Date: April 9, 2018

Whispersync for Voice: Ready

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

The author of this book must have been paid off by the subject's defense team, or the author believes the media hype surrounding the detainees at Guantanamo Bay and their "innocence." A lot of assumptions made, and a lot of inaccuracies. Makes for a quick read, but don't believe the hype.

John Kiriakou led the CIA operation that arrested, or rather, kidnapped without charge, Abu Zubaydah. Joseph Hickman helped imprison Abu Zubaydah as a guard at Guantanamo and was later the lead researcher for Zubaydah’s habeas defense team.Here are some highlights of a tale of crackpot criminality recounted by Hickman and Kiriakou in their jointly authored new book, The Convenient Terrorist:Maher Abu Zubayda and Zain Abidin Mohammed Husain aka Abu Zubaydah are two completely different people. They and many other people use the name Abu Zubayda, with various spellings in English transliterations from Arabic. The Zubaydah family was evicted from a Palestinian village during the Nakba. The CIA, employing more torturers than Arab speakers, confused the two Zubaydahs. When the basic facts that the CIA had about the life of the man it imprisoned and tortured turned out to all be wrong, the CIA paid no attention.Maher Abu Zubayda worked with al Qaeda in the 1990s with an address in San Jose, Calif., three blocks from al Qaeda spy Ali Mohammed who later pled guilty to a role in bombing U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Mohammed had “served” in the Egyptian and U.S. armies. When the U.S. Army had learned in 1987 that Mohammed was a Muslim extremist, it had removed him from “Special Forces” but kept him in the Army. In 1988 Mohammed used a leave from the U.S. Army to go to Afghanistan to fight Soviets, rejoining the U.S. Army afterwards.Maher Abu Zubayda later lived in Montana, studying explosives and a major dam, the Fort Peck Dam. The day before the attacks of September 11, 2001, an explosion occurred on his ranch, and he fled. On September 19, 2001, he was arrested. Clueless, the CIA built a major operation to try to locate the other Abu Zubaydah in Pakistan. On March 28, 2002, the day after that other Abu Zubaydah was seized in Pakistan, this one was convicted of unlawful possession of a firearm and of immigration violations. Six months later he was deported. Ten years after that, in 2012, a man in Jordan named Mahmoud wrote to the defense team of the Abu Zubaydah by then in Guantanamo to say that an Abu Zubayda had been in a prison in Jordan in 2005. It could not have been the same man who was in Guantanamo, as he had been grabbed by the CIA in 2002 and in 2005 had been undergoing torture by the CIA in Poland. The defense team soon heard that Mahmoud had been killed by a U.S. drone.In the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s the CIA funded Muslim extremists in Afghanistan, including the Islamic Union for the Liberation of Afghanistan, led by Abdul Rasul Sayyaf, along with six other major alliances, with the funding passed along to many smaller groups including Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda. Presidents Reagan, Bush the First, and Clinton referred to these groups as “freedom fighters” and “heroes.”Zain Abidin Mohammed Husain aka Abu Zubaydah, the man kidnapped, tortured, and still imprisoned to this day in Guantanamo, joined Sayyaf’s Islamic Union, not Al Qaeda. But Sayyaf, with U.S. funding since 1973 helped to create Al Qaeda. Sayyaf met with President Reagan and received abundant U.S. funding for years, to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan, and then to train fighters in Pakistan to overthrow Gaddafi in Libya. After September 11, 2001, the U.S. labeled Sayyaf’s “Libyan Islamic Fighting Group” a terrorist organization, but the CIA went right on funding it until Gaddafi was murdered 10 years later.In October 2000, the Able Danger operation set up by the U.S. Special Operations Command and the Defense Intelligence Agency suspected three people in the United States of planning an attack, all three members of Al Qaeda, all three having trained in Sayyaf’s camps. The Department of so-called Defense paid no attention, and the DIA destroyed almost all of the information collected by Able Danger. Sayyaf reportedly learned of the September 11, 2001, attack plans in February 2001. Immediately after those attacks, the U.S. sent him tens of millions of dollars with which to fight the Taliban, assigned him to help write a Constitution for a new Afghanistan, and got him appointed to the Afghan parliament, where he remains today with the intractable incumbency of a U.S. Congress member.It was in 1991 that the Abu Zubaydah with the unlucky name joined the Islamic Union. In 1993 the CIA funded a group of fighters he commanded in Tajikistan. Also at this time he asked to join Al Qaeda and was rejected on the grounds that he’d had a head injury.The CIA’s language skills failed to distinguish between two Abu Zubaydahs. The CIA also failed to properly identify training camps as belonging to the Islamic Union or Al Qaeda. In addition, it failed to distinguish between a house called The House of Martyrs and one called Martyr’s House, even though one of these houses was in Afghanistan and run by Al Qaeda, while the other was in Pakistan and run by Abu Zubaydah of the Unlucky Name.After the attacks of September 11, 2001, Abu Zubaydah headed off to Afghanistan to fight against a U.S. invasion. He claims not to have managed to actually fight the U.S. there. The United States, without evidence, claims he did. He openly says he intended to. He then caught wind of the fact that the U.S. was conducting a major search for him. He professed bewilderment, as he was neither Taliban not Al Qaeda, much less a top Al Qaeda leader as the U.S. claimed.That the CIA was hunting for the wrong man, while the Abu Zubayda with ties to Al Qaeda was sitting in jail in Montana, is not somehow by the transitive properties of childish thinking, a statement that this Abu Zubaydah was a pacifist or a saint. He fought against a Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and a U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. We pacifists find fault with both of those actions, while the U.S. government praises one and condemns the other beyond any possibility of redemption.It is also possible that in 1999 this Abu Zubaydah helped to some extent with failed attacks in Jordan and the United States, referred to as “the millennium bomb plot,” which Hickman and Kiriakou blame on Hamas and Hezbollah, not Al Qaeda, citing Saudi funding funneled through the SAAR Foundation in Herndon, Virginia, run by Alamoudi, a man who publicly supported Hamas and Hezbollah while also being made a guest at the White House on several occasions before and after September 11, 2001, in addition to being a “supporter” of George W. Bush’s election campaign.But it was not for that or any other possible offense that the CIA in February 2002 mounted a mammoth effort to raid fourteen locations in Pakistan simultaneously in hopes of capturing the wrong man. U.S. tax dollars invested in this ludicrous operation far more generously than in your children’s schools. A man identified as Abu Zubaydah was nearly killed, just barely kept alive by top U.S. doctors jetted in for that purpose, and subsequently nearly killed through extensive torture over a period of years.The questioning of this Abu Zubaydah did not begin immediately, however, because the CIA’s “Counterterrorism” Center did not believe the right man had been seized. Once questioning did begin, “many in the CIA,” according to Hickman and Kiriakou, wondered whether they had the right person. Such doubts were not allowed to stand in the way of a good opportunity for sadistic human experimentation.Abu Zubaydah was off on a years-long torture tour of the globe. Thus began the familiar story of the FBI’s Ali Soufan eliciting information through humane questioning, the CIA learning nothing through its brutality, and the CIA lying about those facts. The torture, always illegal, began before President George W. Bush “authorized” it. Zubaydah was treated to the full menu of “approved” (and some unapproved) torture techniques: stripped naked, shackled, hooded, slammed against concrete, confined in a small box, threatened with death, waterboarded, deprived of sleep, etc.Only on September 6, 2006, did Abu Zubaydah arrive at Guantanamo, where the CIA torture and human experimentation continued with the use of mefloquine, extended solitary confinement, and other brutality.Did anyone on this little planet of ours know that the Central “Intelligence” Agency had kidnapped the wrong victim? It seems likely. It also seems that such knowledge became a fatal condition. Mahmoud was reportedly killed by a drone. The man whom Abu Zubaydah called his best friend in his diary, Ibn al-Shaykh Al Libi was tortured into false statements used by President Bush Junior to justify attacking Iraq. Al Libi died in a Libyan prison cell. A few weeks later, a man kidnapped along with Abu Zubaydah, a man named Ali Abdullah Ahmed, died in a Guantanamo cell. Fifteen other men were “captured” at the same time. All are dead. Khalil Al-Deek, an associate of Abu Zubaydah, was killed — we know not how — in April 2005.Two corpses in the pile surrounding the story of Abu Zubaydah of the Unlucky Name were Saudi princes, and one was a Pakistani air marshal. One of the CIA’s brilliant strategies for “interrogating” Abu Zubaydah was to dress up as and pretend to be Saudis. Instead of getting scared by this ploy, Abu Zubaydah appeared greatly relieved. He told the phony Saudis to call three Saudi officials. He provided their phone numbers. One of the three was Ahmed bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz, a nephew of the Saudi king who spent most of his time in the United States and owned the 2002 Kentucky Derby winner. A second was Chief Prince Turki Al-Faisal Bin Abdul Aziz who had in 1991 arranged for Al Qaeda training to take place in Sayyaf’s camps. The third was the Pakistani air marshal Mushaf Ali Mir. All three shortly died (“heart attack” at 43, car crash, and clear weather airplane crash).What can we learn from all of this? Probably not the new liberal conceit that anything the CIA tells us about Russia is the gospel truth derived from super serious professionalism and about which requesting evidence constitutes a treasonous act.Now for a few quibbles with this book. The authors claim that the confessions of U.S. troops to crimes in the war on North Korea were all or mostly false confessions. They should read research on that war that parallels their fine work on more recent ones. They claim the jihad against the Soviets in Afghanistan was the best example of a defensive jihad that there is, despite and without mentioning Brzezinski’s confession that the U.S. initiated the war. They claim that Saudi Arabia feared an Iraqi invasion in 1990, prompting the U.S. to “offer” to send in troops. This misleadingly omits the fact that the U.S. generated that fear through the aggressive use of false satellite images falsely suggesting an Iraqi troop presence that did not exist. The authors also state that the 9/11 attacks were a protest of U.S. support for Israel. They provide no source for that statement, but if we are to believe reported statements by bin Laden the motivation included that along with numerous other U.S. actions harmful to Muslim populations including the presence of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia so generously provided in 1991.

I. F. Stone, the one of the 20th century’s great journalists famously said, “All governments lie.” I would add, that all governments lie most of the time. Readers will remember the lie of weapons of mass destruction used to justify the illegal invasion of Iraq. They may remember the lies surrounding the capture and rescue of Pvt. Jessica Lynch in the first days of that war. They should not have forgotten the lies surrounding the death in Afghanistan of Pat Tillman and his lionization at the hands of the NFL and our government. But we should also know of the lies surrounding the capture and torture of Abu Zubaydah. We were lied to concerning his true identity. We were lied to concerning his “crimes.” We were lied to concerning his treatment as a captive. Abu Zubaydah was tortured without mercy, never charged with a crime, and to this day he remains a captive in Guantanamo. The true story of Abu Zubaydah deserves to be told by two patriots who were intimately involved in his capture and treatment. This is that story and it is well told.

Awful truth to what has become the unacceptable norm in a country that is fast becoming an embarrassment. Truly saddened and sickened by those charged with leading our country. Those that are responsible MUST be held ACCOUNTABLE, and must not be allowed to continue with their blatant disrespect for what our constitution stands for.

This is a book any well-informed citizen doesn't want to miss. In my mind, whistle-blowers are the unsung heroes of our country and vital to our country's continued freedom. They deserve medals not jail-time.

Good fast reading. What an eye opener!

One of the best books.

This book and the authors of this book are totally awesome!

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The Convenient Terrorist: Two Whistleblowers’ Stories of Torture, Terror, Secret Wars, and CIA Lies PDF
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