Rabu, 21 Mei 2014

Download PDF , by Passport to European Travel Guides

Download PDF , by Passport to European Travel Guides

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, by Passport to European Travel Guides

, by Passport to European Travel Guides

, by Passport to European Travel Guides

Download PDF , by Passport to European Travel Guides

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, by Passport to European Travel Guides

Product details

File Size: 1175 KB

Print Length: 60 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Eye on Life Publications, Inc. (April 29, 2015)

Publication Date: April 29, 2015

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#592,159 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

There are many tourist attractions in Paris this book is mentioned.This book has everything that we needed to know about Paris.This book is a breath of fresh air in comparison. It is full of useful advice on everything you need to know to get around in Paris and make the most of your trip. I really could have used this guide when I was in Paris a few years back. Because the book is aimed at making your trip worth remembering and a total amusement.

Travel guides are so much fun and so useful. I extremely liked this guide on Paris, France because it is very detailed in everything mentioned. Reading the book, it was well structured and pleasing to the eyes, the author utilized bold and italicized fonts making the information easily be found. This is really a good book that you can bring along with you when you go to Paris because it has all that you need!

I love this book. There were alot of things I wouldn't have thought about before visiting France. This book made France even more interesting and fascinating to me. Especially the part of getting in the mood really got me in the mood :). I love this little guide.

Travel guides are so much fun and so useful. I extremely liked this guide on Paris France because it is very detailed in everything mentioned. Firstly it gives great tips on what to do before you go then prepares you with some nice reading material suggestions and of course gives the best venues to visit. Finally, this well written guide has suggestions for the budget traveler too!

Concise guide for Paris. It is small tour guide book but to the point for need to know things for travelers. Does not provide any historical context to places or suburban tour ideas.

Wow and another Wow! Paris is my dream City. I really never regret having this Travel Guide book in my Kindle. This is for our second honeymoon purposes! Visiting this place with my husband on out upcoming wedding Anniversary. The "City of Love". I really fall in love with the book because it includes everything and I mean everything really. From Insider Tips for Tourist, Overview of Paris, France and so much more. It is great also because they include the best places for Travelers on a Budget! We all knew the Paris is well known for being one of the most expensive city in Europe and it's wonderful they include the BEST places for Travelers on a Budget! Great Job!

I wish to visit Paris at least once in my life. I thought it may not be within my budget. Anyway, I cannot stay in Paris more than few days due to financial issue. But, by reading this book, I think that I can visit all enchanting tourist places with budget. Author has given details about everything from local etiquette to saving money! I am not going to miss the best bars, clubs, live music, theater and dancing in Paris. It is one of the best travel guide I have ever read.

Very helpful

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, by Passport to European Travel Guides PDF

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