Selasa, 31 Maret 2015

Ebook Download Capital: Volume 1: A Critique of Political Economy

Ebook Download Capital: Volume 1: A Critique of Political Economy

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Capital: Volume 1: A Critique of Political Economy

Capital: Volume 1: A Critique of Political Economy

Capital: Volume 1: A Critique of Political Economy

Ebook Download Capital: Volume 1: A Critique of Political Economy

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Capital: Volume 1: A Critique of Political Economy

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 43 hours and 4 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Ukemi Audiobooks Release Date: March 1, 2018

Language: English, English

ASIN: B07B5F955W

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

Buyers beware! This edition is almost certainly an older English translation of CAPITAL (translators Moore and Aveling) and NOT the more recent, superior translation by Ben Fowkes, published by Penguin Books. Evidently Amazon doesn't now offer that newer translation for sale, except in the Kindle edition. (You'll notice that nowhere on the copyright page of this edition does it even mention the translators.) The old, Moore and Aveling translation is good as far as it goes, but it is almost certainly in the public domain now. The fly by night publisher of the $9.00 paperback here offered for sale must be raking in the profits, since it has 'acquired' the rights for this edition of CAPITAL for nothing! (If you read the fine print at the bottom of the publisher's blurb by scrolling down to the bottom of the blurb you'll notice that it warns you that the blurb refers to an "alternate" paperback edition of the book, NOT the Penguin edition that IS for sale as a Kindle book. If I were you, I'd consider buying the Kindle book (the price isn't too bad) but WAIT for Amazon the get access again to the Penguin, Ben Fowkes translation in order to buy a bound copy..

There is an enormous collection of valuable information in volume 1 of Marx's Capital. Volume 1, moreover, serves very effectively as the first of three volumes in which Marx gives truly compelling evidence of his genius -- how else could one author come to terms with this massive account of the reality of capitalist production as Marx uniquely understands it? While it soon becomes abundantly clear that Marx was a master prose stylist, there is no mistaking the fact that he did not write for the ease and convenience of his readers. I can't imagine taking the full measure of this volume, much less the two volumes which follow, without the sustained help of explanatory material such as that provided by David Harvey, a veteran American academician who takes Marx very seriously indeed.Without question, even for exceptionally well informed and intellectually capable readers, this book is a bear. If you invest the substantialamount of time and prodigious effort needed to master it, you will definitely come to understand why Marxists become Marxists, and you may very well become one yourself. At the very least, you'll see the world differently, and you'll have a firmer grasp on the character of our contemporary world, not just its economic make-up, but in a socially expansive way. It's hard to imagine anyone reading the book carefully and with a modicum of understanding and coming away with the judgment that this is merely an ideologically motivated, long-winded exercise in willful self-deception and the deception of others. If you encounter someone who characterized Marx as a willfully wrong-headed ideologue, you may safely assume that you're dealing with someone who has not read Capital.Capital Volume 1 is, in fact, a richly informative and very difficult piece of world-class research. I imagine that most readers who take its full measure will come back to it again and again. I can't imagine doing justice to Capital Volume 1 without putting forth the kind of effort that makes for the creation of a life-long connection. Marx himself claims to have sacrificed his health, happiness, and family to writing the book. This has the pathetic sound of self-pitying exaggeration. But given what I know of Marx and the necessarily prodigious demands of the kind of work he produced, I'm sure he's being dispassionately truthful.You may be disappointed to find that Capital is much less polemical than it is rigorously analytical. That was my first response. For the long term, however, I realized the book is a keeper, and I acknowledged that I'd have to look elsewhere for a call-to-arms that is not also embedded in massive learning. It's true, of course that Marx was an active professional revolutionary, but he was also a world-class scholar with a prodigiously cultivated mind. Reading Marx makes me want to spend a year or two in the library of the British Museum, where Marx did his best scholarship.Marx and Charles Darwin exchanged fairly frequent correspondence. Everyone knows that Darwin transformed our understanding of the world and our place in it. Much the same is true of Marx's contribution to human knowledge. It's interesting to acknowledge that social and religious conservatism were barriers to the rightful dissemination of both. That Marx maintained an ongoing relationship with others of undeniable genius, such as Darwin, bespeaks Marx's own intellectual prowess and reflects his status as a wonderfully original thinker. In his own authentic way, Marx was at least as much a brilliant scientist as Darwin. Darwin changed the way we thought about ourselves, but Marx changed the way we live.

It is hard to write a small review. I can't put 100 pages of notes on this book. It is a book to help anyone understand how capital works. Volume two is more about the circulation process. Please read it and don't quit after chapter 3. It is a long book and it is somewhat complicated. David Harvey has written a companion to the book as well as he does a extensive reading of the book that is offered online for free. It can be obtained through Itunes and his website, You must read this book to understand a whole different form of thinking. Also for a thorough understanding of this book try to read Alexander Kojeve, Introduction to the Reading of Hegel: Lectures on Phenomenology of Spirit for a deep understanding of Marxism through a lens of Hegelian thought, Hegel was a teacher of Marx and Mar was a Hegelian thinker. If you are a historian you need to read Marx's work in order to be a better historian.

This review is not about the contents of this book, but rather the quality of this particular version I stupidly bought. I mean, it's laid out like someone just copy and pasted the text, printed and bound it as cheaply as possible. There is no copy right information or publisher listed anywhere, no table of contents, and it's overall just awkwardly laid out. The cherry on top is that I didn't even receive the complete book, it just abruptly stops mid sentence and the last few sections are missing completely. Absolute garbage, please don't buy this version. Amazon needs to have a little bit of quality control with the products they sling because this isn't even a legitimate publication.

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Capital: Volume 1: A Critique of Political Economy PDF

Capital: Volume 1: A Critique of Political Economy PDF

Capital: Volume 1: A Critique of Political Economy PDF
Capital: Volume 1: A Critique of Political Economy PDF

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