Senin, 29 Juni 2015

Get Free Ebook Rituals of Manhood: Male Initiation in Papua New Guinea

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Rituals of Manhood: Male Initiation in Papua New Guinea

Rituals of Manhood: Male Initiation in Papua New Guinea

Rituals of Manhood: Male Initiation in Papua New Guinea

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Rituals of Manhood: Male Initiation in Papua New Guinea

Product details

Hardcover: 365 pages

Publisher: Univ of California Pr; 1st Edition edition (May 1, 1982)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0520044487

ISBN-13: 978-0520044487

Product Dimensions:

6.2 x 0.8 x 9.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.5 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,662,558 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

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Free Ebook Self-Therapy: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Wholeness and Healing Your Inner Child Using IFS, A New, Cutting-Edge Psychotherapy, 2nd Edition

Free Ebook Self-Therapy: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Wholeness and Healing Your Inner Child Using IFS, A New, Cutting-Edge Psychotherapy, 2nd Edition

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Self-Therapy: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Wholeness and Healing Your Inner Child Using IFS, A New, Cutting-Edge Psychotherapy, 2nd Edition

Self-Therapy: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Wholeness and Healing Your Inner Child Using IFS, A New, Cutting-Edge Psychotherapy, 2nd Edition

Self-Therapy: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Wholeness and Healing Your Inner Child Using IFS, A New, Cutting-Edge Psychotherapy, 2nd Edition

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Self-Therapy: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Wholeness and Healing Your Inner Child Using IFS, A New, Cutting-Edge Psychotherapy, 2nd Edition

From the Author

Is It Truly Possible To Resolve Psychological Issues Through a Self-Help Book?Have you ever been in a positive mood only to have something seemingly very small happen, perhaps someone made a casual off-handed criticism of you, but for some weird reason you felt immediately deflated, and found yourself feeling almost like a child again, small, afraid, and helpless?Have you ever lost your temper with someone you really care about, maybe even someone you love very much, but suddenly you found yourself saying things and acting in ways that were not the way you really feel about that person, and later you regretted your actions deeply?Have you ever really wanted to find the motivation to do something in your life, like start a new diet plan for example, but despite all your best efforts, you felt as if something was sabotaging you, and maybe you even found yourself standing in front of an open refrigerator at midnight, staring longingly at the rest of that chocolate cake?If you answered yes to any of these questions, there is nothing to worry about, and you are certainly not alone.In fact, from the viewpoint of "Internal Family Systems" (IFS), you are perfectly normal.The problem in each of these situations is simply a part (or parts) that is over-reacting. In the first case, there is a part that is holding you back that you're not aware of. In the second, there is a part that exploded in anger.Most of us prefer to think of ourselves as one, unitary, sensible personality. But human beings are not as simple and straightforward as we may like to think.In reality, we are complex systems of interacting parts, each with a variety of emotions and motivations.IFS has a sophisticated way of working with your "parts," which are natural divisions in the psyche, sometimes called subpersonalities. This approach has been rapidly spreading across the entire country for the past decade and is being applauded by patients and therapists for its incredible effectiveness.You can think of these parts as little people inside of you. Each with their own perspectives, beliefs, feelings, memories, and motivations.Some of your parts are in pain. Some of your parts want to protect you from pain. Some of your parts try to manage how you interact with others. Some of your parts are even locked in battles with each other that have been going on for years.And most of the time, all of this is completely outside our awareness.All we know is that sometimes we feel great, sometimes we feel nervous, sometimes we feel frustrated, confused, angry, and so on. And if we are honest with ourselves, we don't really understand why.Your True Self, The Source of All HealingUnfortunately many people spend their whole lives thinking that this surface dance of emotional states is all there is to life. However, underlying this cast of characters, and within every human being is the true Self that is wise, calm, open and loving.IFS is specifically designed to help you access this Self. Once you are in touch with your Self, from this incredible place of strength and love, you can connect with your troubled parts and heal them.It's through the Self that you can heal your own wounds and watch as all of your parts reclaim and reveal their natural strength and goodness.What Makes IFS So Powerful?Internal Family Systems is more powerful than other therapeutic approaches for three main reasons:The Self. Healing comes from your true Self, and IFS has innovative ways of helping to access your Self and remain there during a session.Internal Love. IFS has discovered that all your parts are doing their best to help and protect you. This means that you don't have to fight them or try to get rid of them. You can connect with them from the compassion of Self and develop cooperative, trusting relationships with them. This makes transformation much easier.A Step-by-Step Procedure. IFS understands the complex structure of the psyche and has developed a sophisticated procedure for healing each of your parts. There is no guesswork. You don't wallow around for years in your childhood. IFS has laser-like precision and efficiency.Self-Therapy: A Complete Guide To Psychological HealingTherapy does not have to be difficult, time-consuming or expensive.Relief from chronic, painful, life-long emotional issues, such as depression and anxiety, is possible and can be entirely in your control.You simply need an effective framework for understanding and communicating with the various parts of yourself, along with a step-by-step process for transforming these parts into healthy resources.This is the promise of Self-Therapy, a clear guide by Dr. Jay Earley that explains exactly how to you can heal deep wounds, resolve stuck places, and restore wholeness, strength, self-confidence, and joy to your life.What Makes Self-Therapy So Effective?1. It is based on Internal Family Systems, a full-fledged form of therapy.IFS is actually much much more than another therapeutic technique.In actuality it is both a revolutionary way of understanding the human psyche and a complete practice for learning to love yourself and others.Self-Therapy teaches you to engage in IFS sessions on your own or with a partner. You learn a complete method of therapy, designed from years of clinical work with a wide variety of individuals and a wide range of psychological challenges.2. IFS is a user-friendly form of therapy.The IFS model taught in Self-Therapy is not only effective but also extraordinarily user friendly.It is natural to visualize your parts, give them names, and talk to them. It brings your psyche alive in a way that is easy to grasp.3. IFS is based on the Self, so it can be used without a therapist.In IFS it is not the therapist or any outside force that "fixes" you.In IFS the source of healing is You; the source of healing is your true Self.Your true Self is who you really are in the deepest sense.Your true Self is compassionate, openly curious, connected, and calm.Even when working with a therapist or another IFS practitioner, it is always your true Self that is the agent of healing in the IFS approach.As you introduce your suffering parts to the Self, they each develop a trusting and healing relationship with the Self.Through this, an unstoppable momentum of transformation unfolds.4. Self-Therapy brings IFS to life.It contains transcripts of actual sessions and illustrations that bring parts vividly to life. It also has help sheets that outline the IFS process which you can use during sessions to know what to do next. And there are exercises that can be be applied directly from the book in your life.Can Self-Therapy Help Me With My Issue?Internal Family Systems can help with both mental health symptoms and a wide variety of complex life issues, such as:Self-EsteemDepressionLonelinessRelationship ProblemsPassive-Aggressive BehaviorProcrastinationCommunication IssuesPeople PleasingEating IssuesPerfectionismInner CriticFear and anxietyShynessPhobiasFeelings of inner conflictInsecurity on the jobA Must Read For Therapist And Client AlikeWith Self-Therapy, Dr. Jay Earley makes the power of IFS accessible to everyone by teaching it as a complete method for psychological healing that anyone can use on their own.And Self-Therapy is also the book of choice for therapists wanting to learn Internal Family Systems Therapy.Therapists and existing IFS practitioners will appreciate this clear map of the IFS model, which includes transcripts from actual therapy sessions, illustrations that explain complex and subtle dynamics in the psyche, and detailed tips on how to proceed in various circumstances that may come up during a session.Self-Therapy constitutes a complete manual for the IFS procedure.Self-Therapy is simply an absolute must read for every therapist seeking to move their clients beyond tolerable recovery to a deeper, more complete process of healing.

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From the Inside Flap

Jay has the gift of both insight and teaching--and he uses both in his new book. He allows us access to the many layers of our selves and helps us to understand, work with and ultimately feel harmonious with behaviors that have baffled us. Self-therapy is a wonderful cogent guide written by a wonderful cogent teacher. -- Geneen Roth, author of When Food is Love and Women Food and God  The fact that Jay Earley wrote this book is high praise for the IFS model because he was an accomplished writer and thinker, steeped in systems thinking, long before encountering IFS. Jay's passion has been to introduce IFS to a lay audience in such a way that people can work with their parts on their own--without the need for a therapist. Through Jay's user-friendly description of IFS, you will begin to change how you do "self talk," or internal dialogue. Through well-described experiential exercises and examples of actual IFS sessions, you will be able to enter your inner world in such a way that your extreme parts begin to heal. Rather than just coping with them, you welcome them and transform them into valuable resources. -- Richard Schwartz, PhD, creator of IFS, from the foreword  Enormously hopeful and empowering, this book illuminates the process of Internal Family Systems (IFS) as a method of self-therapy that centers on the revolutionary principle that all of us have a Self. Presenting a view of the human psyche with this calm, compassionate, curious Self at the center, Jay Earley takes the reader step-by-step through a method of self-exploration which views overwhelming emotion and dysfunctional behavior as stemming from parts that are doing their best to help the person survive. Earley's writing is beautifully organized and clear, as compassionate and respectful as the process he is teaching, and the reader is supported and encouraged at every step. Anyone wishing to live a fuller, richer, more meaningful life, or help others do so, needs to read this book. -- Ann Weiser Cornell, PhD, author of The Power of Focusing and The Radical Acceptance of Everything  The non-pathologizing and empowering aspects of the IFS Model find their ultimate expression in Dr. Earley's book, Self-Therapy. Exercises, illustrations, and session transcripts supplement this detailed approach for individuals to safely work alone or with a peer to transform their inner worlds dominated by outmoded beliefs to lives filled with love, compassion, and connection. Therapists, too, will appreciate this clear map of the inner territory of the psyche and will find this book a valuable and accessible resource for their clients. -- Susan McConnell, senior IFS trainer           Self-Therapy is an invaluable resource, an absolute must for all therapists who wantto move their clients beyond tolerable recovery to a more thorough process ofhealing. It is a gift to those of us who want to offer a gentle excavation of woundsresulting in a beautiful new landscape.-- Cheryl Ades, LCSW, Louisville, KYJay presents an exceptionally clear explanation of the IFS model. He provides"user friendly" directions on how therapists and clients can use the process. I canapply it directly from this book.-- Kevin J Miller, PhD, Florham Park, NJJay has a very thorough understanding of IFS and an uncanny ability to break itdown into small enough chunks to make it accessible to novices while still makingit stimulating for experienced IFS practitioners. Self-Therapy demystifies therapyand empowers people to work on themselves to expand and heal their lives.-- Kira Freed, M.A., LPC, CLC, Tucson, AZThe inside of the psyche is so hard to describe, and Jay does a great job of making itaccessible. The illustrations really helped me to get a visual notion of the concepts.Self-Therapy describes each idea in many different ways, so that something sticksfor each person. It really adds to the professional IFS literature.-- Kathy Grace, M.A., LPC, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

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See all Editorial Reviews

Product details

Paperback: 338 pages

Publisher: Pattern System Books; 2nd ed. edition (January 27, 2012)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0984392777

ISBN-13: 978-0984392773

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.8 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.5 out of 5 stars

143 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#13,131 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I generally think self-help books promise a lot more than they deliver. I've come to believe that this book is an absolute game changer in the world of behavioral medicine.So, how do you know if this book will be helpful for you?"Self-Therapy" is based on Internal Family Systems therapy. (Think--a system of therapy such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, but with a rather different approach.) It is geared toward individuals who do what I call "triggering". If you tend to have very turbulent relationships, or keep rehashing past offenses in your head, or get told by your spouse that you act like you have two personalities, or are a pathological people-pleaser, or find yourself frequently repeating that behavior you decided never to do again, or have panic attacks over trivial threats, or are easily hurt or offended, or have been told you are manipulative, or have overwhelming fears of not being believed, being abandoned, not being good enough, etc, then you are probably "triggering". As you progress toward middle age, you will likely find that these behaviors become increasingly problematic in your relationships. If this sounds like you, consider getting this book.I am a family physician and was becoming frustrated with an inability to help my patients with (axis II) personality disorders understand and heal their condition. Meds don't work very well and traditional counseling is only marginally better. I knew how to recognize a patient with a personality disorder, but I didn't understand what caused it or how to explain it to a patient in a way that they 1) believed me, and 2) understood what I was talking about. These patients are often misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder, and before I found IFS I almost never saw someone recover or improve.A social worker directed me to do some research into Internal Family Systems therapy and I eventually stumbled across "Self-Therapy". This book not only helps you diagnose yourself, (ie. "what is causing me to feel and act this way?") but also how to treat yourself. I am gradually coming to believe that Internal Family Systems therapy is the only type of therapy that is more than marginally effective for healing this type of emotional injury. I find myself recommending this book to one of my patients on at least a weekly basis. It doesn't hold the solution for every emotional problem, but it's one of the best tools I've found for my mental health arsenal. If nothing else, it can really help you understand others' behavior better.I initially read this book trying to help my patients. In the end it has also helped my family, my marriage, and my personal happiness. Color me impressed.

I learned about this threw a outpatient group on depression. We were told that this was a good book to get to start with IFS. Well, let's say, that this might be a good book, if you don't have really deep issues going on. I read some of it, and had to put it down, it was way to triggering. I don't see how anyone can do this book and the workbook by themselves, but that's just me. I gave it to my therapist and maybe he can help walk me threw it, but as for self therapy, no, not for me. It even states in the book, if it is triggering, then to see a professional. So my only thing that I can say, is that, this is not something I could do on my own. I love the concept, but until I find someone who can take me threw it, I guess I am stuck.

This book helped me to understand and process the many inner-critics and fearful protectors that I had running rampant in my subconscious mind. If there is one book I would recommend that people should read prior to marriage and/or having children, it is this one. The mental clarity I've gained from the insights in this book have completely changed my life.

The internal family model is very compelling. Feels much like EMDR in some aspects, what makes me believe it more, as I’m an EMDR practitioner. However, I’m not convinced much deep advancement can be done without a partner. As it seems like you can go far with a well meaning partner or licensed practitioner, I believe the protectors probably will disrupt deeper work of the lone self therapist.The model SELF<->PROTECTOR <->EZILE seems workable and intuitive in many aspects. I’m skeptical about its ability to heal deeper trauma.

I think the book is excellent - I've already recommended it to numerous people. Internal Family Systems is the best thing I'm come across in the psych world in the course of reading a fair number of psych books in my 44 years, and this book by Earley does a great job of explaining it.IFS is not the simplest thing in the world to explain in writing, yet the book nails it by combining clear illustrations, good organization and thoughtful writing. It also has numerous exercises you can do yourself. And a section of tips on doing IFS with a partner, and on working with a therapist.The book is written to be accessible to the general public, which is the only broad-based introductory IFS book I know of yet that is in good measure written for the public (i.e. not written for therapists). It's largely written for the person who will be going through therapy or wants to practice IFS on their own or with a partner. I think even having the awareness of the concepts and info will help most people, even if they don't do the exercises.The great thing about the above is it gives IFS a better chance of making a bigger impact on the world than is possible simply through therapists. There are only so many therapists, and only some know much IFS and relatively few have been trained in it, or are now slated to be trained.Besides letting more people do it on their own, I think IFS therapists in general will benefit from it because I think a good number of people who read it and find IFS appealing will at some point in the upcoming years of their life will go to an IFS therapist to experience the added benefits of therapy or tackle harder things that need a therapist. Kind of like how the Grateful Dead became the highest grossing tour band in the U.S. because they let people record their concerts and share copies for free. More people got copies of the music, liked it and then went to concerts, bought t-shirts and bought CDs. The more people who are introduced to IFS through books like this, the more the average IFS therapist will have people knocking on their door looking to do it.One small note is that while the tagline of the book mentions "healing your inner child," my impression is that according to IFS and to the author (Earley) and my own experience of myself, most people are healing several inner parts of themselves, including some adult parts that are not serving them well. While I don't care about sub-titles, I thought I would mention the above to clarify in case it's needed for anyone that this is not some half-baked new age book talking only about healing an inner child. As the first half of the tagline conveys, IFS works with all parts of our personality, and tries to get all aspects of who we are more healthy to better serve us. Healing the childish parts of us that are often unconscious is certainly an important part of the process, and the book is a multi-dimensional approach to those parts and other parts of who we are.In case you haven't heard of IFS, it is a respected psychological system and is used primarily by licensed therapists and clinics, and recommended by many respected leaders in the field. The founder of it was the co-author of one of the best selling textbooks on marriage and family therapy used by universities, and who taught at one of the top schools in the country. It's not a passing fad and not a new-age gimmick with the aim of selling books. IFS is not family therapy - Schwartz used the systematic thinking common in family therapy to discover that we have our own internal set of sub-personalities or parts that combine to form who we are. Often some of the parts are on track and some are not, and need some assistance from us in coming to serve us better.The book focuses on how you can learn what the parts of yourself are, how they operate, and how you can help them learn and mature to become better at serving you. Doing so takes time. Don't expect to read this book or any book, and have easy answers or have most things figured out just like that. It takes ongoing time and attention. My guess is that most people will need to read the book again in a year and delve deeper in the second time.Overall, the writing in Self-Therapy is lucid and understandable, without dumbing down. I think the book would also be helpful to therapists looking for a strong intro to IFS, or to therapists who know some about IFS and want to know more. When you consider that the founder Richard Schwartz was able to help a lot of people when he first started doing IFS, and it was only part-way developed when he first started doing it and he had no book with lots of details explaining it to help him, I would assume that a high quality therapist could read this book and begin using some of the concepts in their practice.If you click on my profile, you'll see that I'm a real person, and that I give things poor ratings as well as good ones, and that I don't often give something such a strong review.If you stumbled across this book while surfing the net, I strongly recommend you plop down the small cost to get it. It might well change your life. And at the least, I think almost all people will get at least $15 of value from it, enough to be worth the cost. It's very rare that I find a book I can say that about.

Self-Therapy: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Wholeness and Healing Your Inner Child Using IFS, A New, Cutting-Edge Psychotherapy, 2nd Edition PDF
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Self-Therapy: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Wholeness and Healing Your Inner Child Using IFS, A New, Cutting-Edge Psychotherapy, 2nd Edition PDF

Self-Therapy: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Wholeness and Healing Your Inner Child Using IFS, A New, Cutting-Edge Psychotherapy, 2nd Edition PDF

Self-Therapy: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Wholeness and Healing Your Inner Child Using IFS, A New, Cutting-Edge Psychotherapy, 2nd Edition PDF
Self-Therapy: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Wholeness and Healing Your Inner Child Using IFS, A New, Cutting-Edge Psychotherapy, 2nd Edition PDF
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Kamis, 25 Juni 2015



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Product details

File Size: 902 KB

Print Length: 35 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1090150261

Publication Date: March 10, 2019

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,819,647 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)




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Rabu, 24 Juni 2015

Download PDF Barron's How to Prepare for the Mat: Miller Analogies Test

Download PDF Barron's How to Prepare for the Mat: Miller Analogies Test

It's coming again, the new collection that this website has. To complete your inquisitiveness, we provide the preferred publication as the choice today. This is a publication that will reveal you also brand-new to old thing. Forget it; it will be right for you. Well, when you are truly passing away of Barron's How To Prepare For The Mat: Miller Analogies Test, just pick it. You know, this publication is always making the followers to be lightheaded if not to find.

Barron's How to Prepare for the Mat: Miller Analogies Test

Barron's How to Prepare for the Mat: Miller Analogies Test

Barron's How to Prepare for the Mat: Miller Analogies Test

Download PDF Barron's How to Prepare for the Mat: Miller Analogies Test

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Barron's How to Prepare for the Mat: Miller Analogies Test

Product details

Series: Barron's How to Prepare for the M a T (Miller Analogies Test)

Paperback: 306 pages

Publisher: Barrons Educational Series Inc; 7th edition (July 1998)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0764104594

ISBN-13: 978-0764104596

Product Dimensions:

0.8 x 8 x 11.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds

Average Customer Review:

4.3 out of 5 stars

31 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#8,147,842 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

The MAT is a very difficult test. It was more difficult than I thought. This book helped me to understand the types of questions asked on the MAT. I believe this is why I scored a 62 on the MAT(82nd Percentile) . I had two freinds who scored an 20 and a 38 who did not use the book. I found it challenging to do the practice questions, but they did help me understand what types of questions are aked.

I scored in the 95th percentile (raw score 79) on the MAT using this book as preparation. Now, either I'm a genius or this is a very good guide (there is no evidence of the former). Get this specific book before the MAT.

Readers should note that this book is geared for a 100 question, 50 minute exam, whereas the MAT is now 120 questions and takes an hour. Apparently this is has changed since this book was last printed. Having said that, this is an excellent guide to the MAT and a good preparation for those also taking the GRE. True, there's no substitute for a broad-based education, but by dusting off old history lessons and getting into the "mode" of MAT analogies you will undoubtedly do better than if you'd taken the test cold. DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED BY YOUR PRE-TEST SCORE: YOU WILL GET BETTER! I only scored a 66 on my pre-test but by the end of the book I was getting around 90% of the questions right on the first pass. The MAT itself will probably seem easier than the questions in this book. I'm assuming adrenalin has something to do with this, but I can't discount the idea that this book helped as well. As always, a first-rate Barron's product.

I used this book to prepare for the M.A.T. and it really helped me. I can directly attribute 5 points of my raw score to using this guide. One of the questions was exactly the same as on one of the pretests and the others were things that I wouldn't have refreshed my memory on if I hadn't seen them on the practice exams(Roman numerals and the Greek alphabet). I can't calculate how much better I did as a result of being familiar with the test format and types of word play questions that were on the test but this also undoubtably improved my grade. I ended up in the 94 percentile and I think this book got me into the 90th percentiles. I highly recommend it.

I strongly recommend purchasing this book. The lists in the back helped me review well. The practice tests in the book were harder than the actual test, so I felt good when I left the testing center.

I was a little nervous facing a grad school admission test after so long out of school, but the reviews on Amazon were pretty positive about this particular text. I found the pretest to be by far the hardest test in the book, and became more comfortable with the format and the analysis with each additional practice test. Ultimately, I improved my score from the pretest to the actual test by 25 raw points. Practice in spotting different forms that an analogy might take was extremely helpful to me. I finished the actual test well within the time limit, and scored > 95th %ile.

I was able to improve my score by at least twlve points. Read the book, study the vocabulary, and brush up on your humanities and you will probably improve your score. I would also recommend purchasing other MAT test prep books for the tests. Barron's however offered a great strategy for taking the test. The vocabulary list was also great help.

I always use Barron's for reviewing subject matter and they have yet to let me down. This book is wonderful. Some of the practice questions were even on the exam. Without it you won't know what to expect.

Barron's How to Prepare for the Mat: Miller Analogies Test PDF
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Barron's How to Prepare for the Mat: Miller Analogies Test PDF

Barron's How to Prepare for the Mat: Miller Analogies Test PDF

Barron's How to Prepare for the Mat: Miller Analogies Test PDF
Barron's How to Prepare for the Mat: Miller Analogies Test PDF
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Selasa, 23 Juni 2015

Download Ebook

Download Ebook

You should begin caring reading. Also you will not have the ability to spend the book for all day long, you can likewise invest couple of times in a day for times. It's not type of powerful activities. You can enjoy checking out all over you really have wish. Why? The given soft file of this publication will certainly reduce you in obtaining the significance. Yeah, get the book right here from the web link that we share.

Download Ebook

Come join us to discover the amazing analysis book from all over the world! When you feel so hard to find many publications from other nations, it will not be here. In this internet site, we have billion titles of guides from this nation as well as abroad. As well as one to remember, you will never ever lack this book, as in the book shop. Why? We provide the soft file of those books to obtain quickly by all readers.

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Product details

File Size: 4223 KB

Print Length: 249 pages

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 1 edition (December 6, 2000)

Publication Date: December 6, 2000

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,058,104 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

This book provides a great overview of the topics that a student must know to complete an entry level course in relational databases by providing good explanations covering all the basic concepts. While the database software programs that are used as examples are dated, the examples still apply since the concepts have not changed.

I love it

This book is ideal for those of us who need to refresh knowledge and skills of relational databases that may have been unused for a few years, or for people who need to understand relational database concepts in a hurry.It starts with concepts that are essential to understanding relational databases, then introduces you to SQL. If you are working with Oracle you will find that standard SQL and Oracle's SQL*Plus are quite different in that SQL*Plus has a richer set of verbs. Regardless, the intro to SQL is valuable and it provides you with the ability to write queries for real world needs. The examples will work with DB2, Oracle of any other database that will understand standard SQL, making this book product-independent and invaluable.The sections that I especially liked covered normalization and entity-relationship models. These are basic knowledge factors that are essential to understanding relational databases, and are the heart and soul of the book.This book's value is that it's straightforward and presents a lot of material in a short number of pages. It is not for non-technical people in my opinion because the writing is sparse and terse. However, if you have an understanding of data or want a fast refresh this book will save you time by cutting through the fluff.

This outline is to broad and too shallow to be that useful. The outline tries to cover SQL, database theory, functional dependencies, normalization, database security, the entity relationship model, and throw in an MS Access example screen every now and then - all in just 250 brief pages. I hate to give the book two stars, because that usually indicates a book is pretty useless, but I feel I'd be a little too kind in giving it three stars too. My advice is to go with an introductory book like "Databases Demystified", and then get a book dedicated to SQL and learn that language separately. I prefer "Learning SQL", published by O'Reilly and Associates. If you want more advanced material on database theory after that, C.J. Date's book, "An Introduction to Database Systems", is a good one.

This text is littered with typos. The narrative is dry and difficult to read; the authors seem to walk all over themselves trying to over-explain things rather than just taking the time to find the most concise and understandable way to say them. They use nonstandard symbols in their technical descriptions, and some symbols are simply not explained at all.I am not very impressed with this book. I am basically skimming through it to pick up the basic concepts and I will explore them on my own without the help of this book.

It is cheap so you can buy it in any case. But still I think it will not worth to buy.




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Jumat, 19 Juni 2015

PDF Download The Complete Idiot's Guide to Physics, 2nd Edition

PDF Download The Complete Idiot's Guide to Physics, 2nd Edition

So why do you should read this publication? The answer is very straightforward. This publication is very appropriate to what you have to obtain currently. This book will certainly assist you to solve the trouble that happens today. By reading this book, you can see to it to yourself what to do more. As understood, reading is also well known as a crucial activity to do, by everyone. Never afraid to take new activity in your life!

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Physics, 2nd Edition

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Physics, 2nd Edition

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Physics, 2nd Edition

PDF Download The Complete Idiot's Guide to Physics, 2nd Edition

Complying with the excellent routine will expose the excellent routine, also. When having a great friend that has reading habit, it is required for you to have that such habit. Well, also reading is truly not your style, why do not you try it as soon as? To attract you to enjoy analysis, we will certainly offer The Complete Idiot's Guide To Physics, 2nd Edition now. Here this publication has the tendency to be the most referred book that lots of people read it.

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This is additionally among the factors by getting the soft file of this The Complete Idiot's Guide To Physics, 2nd Edition by online. You may not need more times to invest to see guide establishment and search for them. Occasionally, you also don't locate the publication The Complete Idiot's Guide To Physics, 2nd Edition that you are looking for. It will squander the time. However right here, when you visit this page, it will certainly be so very easy to obtain and also download the publication The Complete Idiot's Guide To Physics, 2nd Edition It will not take sometimes as we explain in the past. You can do it while doing something else in the house and even in your workplace. So very easy! So, are you question? Merely exercise exactly what we provide here and also read The Complete Idiot's Guide To Physics, 2nd Edition just what you like to review!

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Physics, 2nd Edition

About the Author

Johnnie T. Dennis was selected as the 1970 National Teacher of the Year. There has not been another physics teacher selected for this award since. After a 40-year career, he is now retired. Gary Moring is the author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Understanding Einstein and The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Theories of the Universe. He teaches physics and the history and philosophy of science at the University of Phoenix in Northern California. He has received numerous awards for teaching excellence. He has also been a curriculum consultant for the University.

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Product details

Series: The Complete Idiot's Guide

Paperback: 416 pages

Publisher: Alpha; 2 edition (August 1, 2006)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 9781592575312

ISBN-13: 978-1592575312

ASIN: 1592575315

Product Dimensions:

7.3 x 0.9 x 9.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.2 out of 5 stars

13 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,341,448 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

It's hard not to make some very derisive comments about this book, because it is a horribly written and organized book. There are very few examples given, no review of the material and/or testing of comprehension by the "complete idiot" who may be reading the book, and concepts are poorly introduced and clarified. In my estimation, this book is a waste of hard-earned money. To be honest, I've had the same experience with every "Complete Idiot" book I've purchased, and I have, now, purchased my last one.

given as gift, recipient happy

I never had the chance to take physics in school. Now i can learn what i missed. Easy to understand and can now construct my own irridiun Q35 space modulator. Take that Buggs Bunny

Added to Library with other books to help communicate ideas and thoughts to kids. Variety in communicating is a great way to see other angles to help kids figure out how things work.

Book is not as easy at it promotes itself. Explanations are few, and a lot of background info in just not there. It helps, but now what I expected.

Very fast shipping and great price!

The book is in great condition and for the price I would buy another just to have a second copy.

Just to be clear, I didn't read this book because I had to or that I was trying to supplement for a college text, I read it because I am interested in the subject and had some spare time to spend on it. I didn't have tests and deadlines to go with it so I had time to reall.y study it. In spite of that I could only make it to page 85. I put a lot of time into this book with pencil and paper working out the calculations and so forth and I thought it was great at first, until I noticed that the author published the book before proof-reading for mistakes. One thing I've learned is that Physics is a fairly exact science. This requires mathematic rigor, and to fly through a topic as if the reader is already familiar with it, or worse, to blatantly make a mistake in calculations, isn't something I have enough spare time to forgive. I'm giving it two stars though because as of yet I'm not familiar with any book which can introduce a person to physics that is better than it. It is good in that respect but it's not worth the headache of putting up with a teacher who routinely makes errors. Doing physics calculations can be a major migraine within that context so it's a two-star book. Hopefully soon I'll find something better than it.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Physics, 2nd Edition PDF
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The Complete Idiot's Guide to Physics, 2nd Edition iBooks
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The Complete Idiot's Guide to Physics, 2nd Edition Kindle

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Physics, 2nd Edition PDF

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Physics, 2nd Edition PDF

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Physics, 2nd Edition PDF
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Physics, 2nd Edition PDF
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Rabu, 17 Juni 2015

PDF Download Managing PeopleSoft on the Oracle Cloud: Best Practices with PeopleSoft Cloud Manager

PDF Download Managing PeopleSoft on the Oracle Cloud: Best Practices with PeopleSoft Cloud Manager

Managing PeopleSoft On The Oracle Cloud: Best Practices With PeopleSoft Cloud Manager is a sort of publication with very outstanding ideas to recognize. Just how the writer start to motivate you, how the author get the ideas to write as this book, and also how the author has an amazing minds that give you this amazing easy book to check out. As we specified formerly, the Managing PeopleSoft On The Oracle Cloud: Best Practices With PeopleSoft Cloud Manager really has something devoted. If you have such suitable as well as goal to actually get to, this book can be the guidance to overcome it. You might not only get the understanding pertaining to your work or duties currently. You will certainly obtain more points.

Managing PeopleSoft on the Oracle Cloud: Best Practices with PeopleSoft Cloud Manager

Managing PeopleSoft on the Oracle Cloud: Best Practices with PeopleSoft Cloud Manager

Managing PeopleSoft on the Oracle Cloud: Best Practices with PeopleSoft Cloud Manager

PDF Download Managing PeopleSoft on the Oracle Cloud: Best Practices with PeopleSoft Cloud Manager

Discover much more experiences and abilities by reading Managing PeopleSoft On The Oracle Cloud: Best Practices With PeopleSoft Cloud Manager This publication becomes a book that you truly require now, don't you? Are you still believing that reading is nonsense activity? Just how silly, when many people are starting to discover many things, will you remain permanently without any development? This is exactly what you will do to be the far better person?

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Everybody has their way to like analysis; it is not only for clever people. Lots of people additionally review guide since nothing. Juts wish to take outcome from updated inspiration and also idea, perhaps! It might be also the method exactly how they worry about the existence of the originalities of entertaining system. Judging the book for everybody will be distinctive. Some could think that Managing PeopleSoft On The Oracle Cloud: Best Practices With PeopleSoft Cloud Manager is very straight, however some will truly take pleasure in reading it.

And currently, your possibility is to get this publication as soon as possible. By seeing this page, you could in the connect to go directly to guide. As well as, get it to become one part of this most recent publication. To make sure, this publication is truly recommended for analysis. Whether you are not fans of the writer or the subject with this publication, there is no fault to review it. Managing PeopleSoft On The Oracle Cloud: Best Practices With PeopleSoft Cloud Manager will be really excellent to check out currently.

Managing PeopleSoft on the Oracle Cloud: Best Practices with PeopleSoft Cloud Manager

From the Back Cover

Transition from hosting your PeopleSoft applications in a traditional, on-premises data center to hosting those same applications in the Oracle Cloud infrastructure. This functional and technical book helps you install and support PeopleSoft Cloud Manager and makes the case for moving applications to the Oracle Cloud technology stack. You will learn about the use and cost of PeopleSoft instances in the cloud and how to configure your PeopleSoft environments to take advantage of the Oracle Cloud platform. Managing PeopleSoft on the Oracle Cloud is a resource for the functional analyst or IT manager tasked with moving PeopleSoft to the Oracle Cloud, as well as for the PeopleSoft system administrator or developer tasked with keeping a PeopleSoft installation running smoothly. Multiple cloud use cases illustrate PeopleSoft system configuration best practices, spell out specific requirements for running PeopleSoft Cloud Manager on the Oracle Cloud, and outline tips and tricks for running PeopleSoft instances in the cloud.What You'll Learn:Install and configure PeopleSoft Cloud ManagerSubscribe to maintenance releases and updatesCreate new topologies and build new environment templatesInstantiate and manage PeopleSoft instances using Cloud ManagerTransition PeopleSoft from on site to in the cloud

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About the Author

​Dr. Aaron Engelsrud is Senior PeopleSoft Systems Administrator at Capella University. With over 20 years of IT industry experience ranging from business intelligence, data warehousing, and analytics to system administration and marketing technologies, he brings a diverse background and wide range of relevant experience to the table. Dr. Engelsrud earned a Master of Science degree in Information Technology in 2006, an MBA in IT Management in 2011, and in 2017 completed a Doctor of Business Administration degree with a specialization in Business Intelligence. Over the past decade, Dr. Engelsrud has presented on a variety of topics, including business intelligence and PeopleSoft administration at industry conferences throughout the United States. When away from the office, he stays active in his community by serving as firefighter/EMT and enjoys spending time at the hockey rink with his four kids.   

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Product details

Paperback: 280 pages

Publisher: Apress; 1st ed. edition (December 9, 2019)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1484245458

ISBN-13: 978-1484245453

Product Dimensions:

6.1 x 9.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

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Managing PeopleSoft on the Oracle Cloud: Best Practices with PeopleSoft Cloud Manager PDF
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Ebook The Dhammapada (Translated by Albert J. Edmunds)

Ebook The Dhammapada (Translated by Albert J. Edmunds)

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The Dhammapada (Translated by Albert J. Edmunds)

The Dhammapada (Translated by Albert J. Edmunds)

The Dhammapada (Translated by Albert J. Edmunds)

Ebook The Dhammapada (Translated by Albert J. Edmunds)

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The Dhammapada (Translated by Albert J. Edmunds)

Product details

Paperback: 90 pages

Publisher: Publishing (February 1, 2017)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1420954245

ISBN-13: 978-1420954241

Product Dimensions:

5.5 x 0.2 x 8.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 4.5 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.1 out of 5 stars

4 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#249,354 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I like this translation, and am very satisfied with the book.

Literal translation, still needs deciphering into modern English.

The wisdom of the Buddha. nice edition.

This is the 5-6th edition I read. I read several, because I wasn't always satisfied with the choice of words. But I realise this is nothing to bother about, because the meaning goes through anyway. Choose your favourite!Dhammapada is a small book, but full of wisdom. One short passage can make you think for a long time. It's not the bible of Buddhism, but captures the essence of Buddha in a condensed form.

The Dhammapada (Translated by Albert J. Edmunds) PDF
The Dhammapada (Translated by Albert J. Edmunds) EPub
The Dhammapada (Translated by Albert J. Edmunds) Doc
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The Dhammapada (Translated by Albert J. Edmunds) Kindle

The Dhammapada (Translated by Albert J. Edmunds) PDF

The Dhammapada (Translated by Albert J. Edmunds) PDF

The Dhammapada (Translated by Albert J. Edmunds) PDF
The Dhammapada (Translated by Albert J. Edmunds) PDF
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Kamis, 11 Juni 2015

Download PDF , by K.N. Lee

Download PDF , by K.N. Lee

Really, we can not force you to check out. However, by inspiring you to read this , By K.N. Lee it can help you to recognize something brand-new in your life. It is not pricey, it's extremely economical. Within that affordable rate, you can get several things from this publication. So, are you sill uncertainty with this boom will offer you? Allow make change to earn far better your life and all life on the planet.

, by K.N. Lee

, by K.N. Lee

, by K.N. Lee

Download PDF , by K.N. Lee

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, by K.N. Lee

Product details

File Size: 4923 KB

Print Length: 104 pages

Publisher: Captive Quill Press (September 18, 2018)

Publication Date: September 18, 2018

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#68,556 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Overall rating: 4.8This fast paced novella sets up a storyline full of mystery and intrigue. Oppression surrounds the main character, yet in spite of it, fate leads her towards a destiny unimagined. Brilliantly written, these pages fly by as each facet of this journey ignites with life. At the crescendo, the reader is left panting for the next installment. Beware readers who have allergies to cliffhangers! Happily I am not one of them. All of my reviews are always voluntarily written.

Ava is girl living in the slummiest of the slums and has to find a way to survive and keep her family alive. The humans have lost the war with the Elves and have to accept their fate. Or do they? Ava has discovered that she is “different” and that could mean death but she has the hope that there could be more to life but dare she hope….. Fighting against the Elves could mean death. But she is not alone…. This is an adventure book and if you love fantasy then this book is for you. The book ends in a cliff hanger….. So now I wait (im)patiently book 2.

This is a excellent story with an unlikely heroine secrets, dreams, humans and elves.Lee have us just enough of this unique world and interesting characters to wet your whistle and make you crave more.I voluntarily reviewed this ARC book.

Another stellar series from K. N. Lee.Ava is different from most humans. Her hair color is different, she dreams prophetic dreams, and she just might be immortal.As I said, this is a solid beginning to a new series.

Fast moving story with interesting characters. Keeps you interested from start to finish. If you enjoy the world of fantasy I think you will like this.

Although there were some plot wholes, and a few moments of confusion which could have benefited from more explanation, this was overall a good read, and I'm looking forward to the next installment in the series.

Good storyMore for adolescentNeeds more development for adults

I really liked this first book in ther series and can't wait to read more. The main character is caring individual, adaptable when her circumstances change, mysterious, has secrets she isn't even aware of. She is frustrated that others know more about her than she does herself. I like the adventures about to happen and discover who and what she is. I recommend this story wholeheartedly. I am voluntarily leaving an honest review of this book because I love to read and endorse an author's writing I enjoy without revealing to much of the story to not to ruin it for others.

, by K.N. Lee PDF
, by K.N. Lee EPub
, by K.N. Lee Doc
, by K.N. Lee iBooks
, by K.N. Lee rtf
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, by K.N. Lee Kindle

, by K.N. Lee PDF

, by K.N. Lee PDF

, by K.N. Lee PDF
, by K.N. Lee PDF
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Senin, 08 Juni 2015

Ebook Ion Chromatography Applications

Ebook Ion Chromatography Applications

The Ion Chromatography Applications will likewise sow you great way to reach your perfect. When it happens for you, you could review it in your spare time. Why do not you try it? In fact, you will unknown just how specifically this book will certainly be, unless you review. Although you do not have much time to finish this book rapidly, it actually does not need to finish fast. Select your precious downtime to use to read this book.

Ion Chromatography Applications

Ion Chromatography Applications

Ion Chromatography Applications

Ebook Ion Chromatography Applications

Locate the trick to improve the lifestyle by reading this Ion Chromatography Applications This is a sort of publication that you need currently. Besides, it can be your favorite book to read after having this book Ion Chromatography Applications Do you ask why? Well, Ion Chromatography Applications is a publication that has different particular with others. You might not need to understand which the writer is, how popular the work is. As sensible word, never ever evaluate the words from that speaks, however make the words as your good value to your life.

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We present the book is based upon the reasons that will certainly affect you to live far better. Even you have already the analysis book; you could additionally enhance the knowledge by obtaining them develop Ion Chromatography Applications This is in fact a sort of book that not only offers the ideas. The incredible lessons, Experiences, and also knowledge can be acquired. It is why you need to read this book, also page by page to the finish.

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Ion Chromatography Applications

Product details

Hardcover: 192 pages

Publisher: CRC Press; 1 edition (December 31, 1987)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0849349672

ISBN-13: 978-0849349676

Product Dimensions:

7.5 x 0.8 x 10.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds

Average Customer Review:

5.0 out of 5 stars

1 customer review

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#5,381,106 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

The book only mentions Dionix Columns and Equipment (I use Waters products), but I found a great deal about methods and practical tips from this source. The author has a complete understanding of the chemistry and the literature. It was a bargain at $4 (your price, of course, will vary).

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Ion Chromatography Applications PDF

Ion Chromatography Applications PDF

Ion Chromatography Applications PDF
Ion Chromatography Applications PDF
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Rabu, 03 Juni 2015

Free PDF Dealing with Death: The Ultimate Teen Guide (It Happened to Me)

Free PDF Dealing with Death: The Ultimate Teen Guide (It Happened to Me)

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Dealing with Death: The Ultimate Teen Guide (It Happened to Me)

Dealing with Death: The Ultimate Teen Guide (It Happened to Me)

Dealing with Death: The Ultimate Teen Guide (It Happened to Me)

Free PDF Dealing with Death: The Ultimate Teen Guide (It Happened to Me)

Welcome once more, we always invite the visitor to be in this internet site. Are you the newbie to be reader? Don't bother. This web site is really available and also ideal for everybody, Moreover, the person who actually needs ideas and sources. By this problem, we always make updates to get whatever brand-new. Guides that we collect and give in the lists are coming from numerous resources inside and outside of this country. So, never be question!

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Getting this publication in this web site could not lead you to stroll and go to book shop. Seeking rack by shelf will actually spend your time mostly. However, it well not guarantees you to be successful searching for Dealing With Death: The Ultimate Teen Guide (It Happened To Me) Thus, you can discover it in the soft data of this book. It will offer you the amazing system of guide suggestion. You can go to the web link as well as go to the page to earn handle. As well as now, your publication sort documents of this can be your selected publication and location to read this fascinating publication.

Dealing with Death: The Ultimate Teen Guide (It Happened to Me)

From School Library Journal

Gr 7 Up—Veteran teen nonfiction author Gay presents a compendium of information related to death or dying, from customs (vigils, funerals) to terminal illness to euthanasia. The material is wide-ranging but fairly superficial. Gay offers in-depth examinations of some subjects, such as how military families cope with death or how individuals deal with the loss of a service animal. Other topics, however, seem tangential, including the discussion of protest-style peace vigils as political statements. Sidebars and quotes are generous, focusing on, for instance, teens who have experienced parental death, suicidal thoughts, and fatal illness; legal cases involving patients in a persistent vegetative state; and depictions of death in the arts. Stock photos overwhelmingly depict white subjects and occasionally look staged. A final section reprints the advance care directive specific to Florida. VERDICT Best suited to homework assignment research or as a starting point for teens facing issues such as a friend diagnosed with terminal illness, this resource offers solid grounding that will enhance more thorough investigations elsewhere.—Francisca Goldsmith, Library Ronin, Worcester, MA

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This excellent resource book helps support teens who are swept up in a complicated turmoil of confused emotions that hamper healing and survivorship motivated by terminal illness or the death of a loved one. The chapters and passages assist readers in understanding cultural rituals and religious beliefs regarding death. Most young people face the pain of losing a pet early in life. However, the vigor of youth sometimes promotes a sense of immortality until they must grieve the loss of a friend or family member. This easy-to-read book presents information in a compassionate and logical way; the content offers current information that relates to teen viewpoints. Visuals illustrate concepts and build bridges to balance the author’s fundamental purpose and premise. Special boxes highlight additional facts and website information provides additional support. The book also includes a glossary of terms. Dealing with Death delivers outstanding reading for teachers, school counselors, parents, and teen populations. It is highly recommended for high school, community college, and university libraries. (American Reference Books Annual)

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See all Editorial Reviews

Product details

Age Range: 12 - 17 years

Grade Level: 7 - 9

Series: It Happened to Me (Book 55)

Hardcover: 212 pages

Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers (October 6, 2017)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1538102749

ISBN-13: 978-1538102749

Product Dimensions:

7.2 x 0.7 x 10.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

Be the first to review this item

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#3,184,788 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Dealing with Death: The Ultimate Teen Guide (It Happened to Me) PDF
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Dealing with Death: The Ultimate Teen Guide (It Happened to Me) PDF

Dealing with Death: The Ultimate Teen Guide (It Happened to Me) PDF

Dealing with Death: The Ultimate Teen Guide (It Happened to Me) PDF
Dealing with Death: The Ultimate Teen Guide (It Happened to Me) PDF
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