Sabtu, 05 September 2015

Free PDF A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms: Level Up Your Core Programming Skills

Free PDF A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms: Level Up Your Core Programming Skills

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A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms: Level Up Your Core Programming Skills

A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms: Level Up Your Core Programming Skills

A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms: Level Up Your Core Programming Skills

Free PDF A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms: Level Up Your Core Programming Skills

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A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms: Level Up Your Core Programming Skills


A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms is a much-needed distillation of topics that elude many software professionals. The casual tone and presentation make it easy to understand concepts that are often hidden behind mathematical formulas and theory. This is a great book for developers looking to strengthen their programming skills. - Jason Pike, Senior Software Engineer, Atlas RFID SolutionsAt university, the "Data Structures and Algorithms" course was one of the driest in the curriculum; it was only later that I realized what a key topic it is. As a software developer, you must know this stuff. This book is a readable introduction to the topic that omits the obtuse mathematical notation common in many course texts. - Nigel Lowry, Company Director & Principal Consultant, LemmataWhether you are new to software development or a grizzled veteran, you will really enjoy and benefit from (re-)learning the foundations. Jay Wengrow presents a very readable and engaging tour through basic data structures and algorithms that will benefit every software developer. - Kevin Beam, Software Engineer, National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), University of Colorado Boulder

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About the Author

Jay Wengrow is an experienced educator and developer who is dedicated to teaching the world to code. He is the founder and CEO of Actualize, a national coding bootcamp and apprenticeship; Anyone Can Learn To Code, an educational company teaching everyone to code through online tutorials, K-12 computer science curriculum, and corporate training.

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Product details

Paperback: 222 pages

Publisher: Pragmatic Bookshelf; 1 edition (August 13, 2017)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 9781680502442

ISBN-13: 978-1680502442

ASIN: 1680502441

Product Dimensions:

7.5 x 0.5 x 9.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 13.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.7 out of 5 stars

29 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#192,722 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

The author's approach in this book of relying heavily on diagrams in explaining concepts worked much better for me than in other algorithm-centric books that didn't do so. As many times as I've read bout Big O Notation elsewhere, I really feel that the author was able to explain it succinctly, but thoroughly enough that it made sense and provided the foundation needed to understand, in a general sense, how/why one data structure and/or algorithm is measured over another. The other key takeaway for me was that the author explained the common forms that one might see a Big O Notation come in so you could also compare the most desirable to least desirable Big O Notations for a given data structure or algorithm. As basic as that may seem, that really is a fundamental that you can't gloss over or only partly understand if you really want to dive into this material and improve yourself. I read the book across the course of a few days, so I think this is one of those books that you could finish in a weekend or two weekends. It's not a heavy read, in other words. I consider that a plus because other algorithm books that I've read are quite in-depth and it's hard to get a lay of the land (if that's what you want) when you have to commit a couple of weeks to work through a book. This book doesn't force you into learning a programming language just to understand the algorithm examples that were written in Ruby, JavaScript, and/or Python. If you're fairly familiar with programming in those languages or something similar such as PHP or Java, you should be ok. By the way, I bought the Kindle version of this book and it formatted nicely -- text and diagrams. It's sad that I should have to call that out as it should be the minimum standard in any Kindle book, but alas, other Kindle books don't get their diagrams to display correctly. Now that I've got a good handle on the basic of basics for Big O Notation and a few compare/contrast of some common algorithms, I'm going to return to my other algorithm books that go into the material much more deeply (e.g "Algorithms (4th Edition)" by Robert Sedgewick).

I ordered this book so I can use it as a guide for my daughter. According to the review it looked good so I went ahead and ordered. When I received it, I noticed that there are countless print errors (I don't know what else to call it) with many diagrams used in the book. It is NOT a typo I am talking about, many of the letter and numbers in the diagram show as empty rectangles. I can confirm it by comparing my pictures against "Look Inside" view of the book - I am including pp7, 8 and 9 of the copy I received.I returned and requested another copy but same exact problem exists. Amazon should not really be selling the version with so many print errors.I hope others somehow receive the correct version. Amazon (or author), let me know once you have a copy that does NOT have the printing issue. I will be willing to check it and confirm if you send me a sample but I am not paying for this.

I have this book, as well as "Grokking Algorithms," "Algorithms Unlocked" (by Thomas Cormen of CLRS), "Algorithms 4th ed" PDF by Sedgwick/Wayne, and a copy of the big fat "Introduction to Algorithms" (aka "CLRS", used in many undergrad CS Algorithms courses) on my book shelf.Jay Wengrow's "Common Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms" lives up to its title.This is by far the easiest of the bunch to read. It has, in my opinion, the clearest explanations for a non-math, non-CS graduate. The algorithms and data structures, their purposes and pitfalls, and simple comparisons of when/why/how to use them all come together in a short, informative, and entertaining read.The step-by-step walkthroughs and code examples I'd say put it a step beyond "Grokking Algorithms," which takes a similar "fun and illustrated" approach, but isn't quite as detailed. Having read that first might have also helped me understand this one a bit better - it's very similar material. Wengrow's book nicely fills in some of the gaps left by "Grokking" by deliberately walking through *every* step. He explains the *entire* process of each sorting algorithm, even when it seems somewhat tedious to do so. It remains concise despite the detail & repetition, which make the code examples easier to follow.I bought "Algorithms Unlocked" several years ago as an "easy" intro to algorithmsThat one covers many of the same topics, but is more dense 'academic' text with screwy notation and no code.I was bored to death by it, and annoyed by Cormen's use of 1-based array indices that needlessly complicated the formulas.This book by Jay Wengrow succeeds where that one left me wanting."Common Sense" is an apt description; and the bits that aren't "common" he explains in an understandable, practical way.After reading (and re-reading) this book with its clear, layman's explanations and examples to help cement things conceptually, I think I'll give Cormen's "easy" book another chance, and then move on to tackling the more complicated "real" textbooks (likely with a good deal of math-class refreshers in the process).

As a young developer without a traditional CS background, I've often felt that my understanding of the more complex data structures was lacking. I have slogged through plenty of dry, overly academic technical books without fully grasping the material. Wengrow does an excellent job of breaking down fundamental CS concepts into easy to understand pieces. The practical examples and illustrations are extremely helpful. The book has changed the way write my code and I'm a better developer for having it as part of my development tool-kit.

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A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms: Level Up Your Core Programming Skills PDF

A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms: Level Up Your Core Programming Skills PDF

A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms: Level Up Your Core Programming Skills PDF
A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms: Level Up Your Core Programming Skills PDF

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