Minggu, 02 Desember 2018

Download Ebook Principles of Ecological Landscape Design

Download Ebook Principles of Ecological Landscape Design

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Principles of Ecological Landscape Design

Principles of Ecological Landscape Design

Principles of Ecological Landscape Design

Download Ebook Principles of Ecological Landscape Design

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Principles of Ecological Landscape Design


"A well-researched and scientific explanation of ecological concepts...the author distills what could have been volumes of technical data into clear explanations of key botanical processes...Overall, Beck provides clearly-presented science, ecological concepts and processes, and suggested strategies for implementation. These are not ready-made solutions but provide a solid foundation for designers to broaden their understanding of the ecological principles in nature that can be factored into landscape design." (ASLA's The Dirt blog)"a practical guide for professionals who are designing and managing ecosystems." (Landscape Architecture Magazine)"You should make time to read this book." (Garden Design Journal)"The book is a laudable contribution that provides a great deal of useful instruction in the planning and design of ecological landscapes." (Landscape Ecology)"This important book is not at all dry and academic, although it is largely intended for the landscape professional." (The Ottawa Citizen)"This may be the most important landscape book since Ian McHarg's groundbreaking work, Design with Nature, pioneered the concept of ecological planning....[A]n invaluable resource." (Grounded Design)"This is a book that encompasses, in great detail, all of the aspects of designing a landscape with ecology in mind. It is a comprehensive manual, both instructional and case study at once... It is a well-written, thorough book which will be more and more important in the future, a must-have for anyone who is connected to creating landscapes." (Metropolitan Field Guide)"This book has been needed for decades; there is currently no better guide to ecologically based planting design. Beck has assembled a very readable set of guidelines for planting design, which draws on a remarkably broad research base to help today's designers see their work in the context of living systems far beyond the boundaries of their site." (Kristina Hill Associate Professor, Landscape Architecture, University of California, Berkeley)"Principles of Ecological Landscape Design provides a wealth of useful and inspiring information, which will make the book a valuable source for both practitioners and scholars. Beck makes a significant contribution to our expanding body of knowledge about how to create more sustainable places and illustrates how the science of ecology can be effectively employed to advance the art of design." (Frederick Steiner Dean, School of Architecture, University of Texas at Austin)"Finally! Real science for planting projects—design, restoration, urban, or rural. Plant ecology, complex adaptive systems, and landscape ecology concepts are clearly explained and practically applied, with compelling examples. It deals rationally with natives, invasives, and climate change. This book is an essential twenty-first century tool." (Kim Sorvig Research Associate Professor, University of New Mexico)

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About the Author

Travis Beck is Superintendent of Parks for the City of Santa Cruz, California. He has also served as Director of Horticulture at the Mt. Cuba Center, a non-profit horticultural institution in Northern Delaware, and Landscape and Gardens Project Manager with the New York Botanical Garden. He is a registered landscape architect and LEED Accredited Professional with a Master’s degree in horticulture from The Ohio State University. The author's website is http://ecologyanddesign.com/.

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Product details

Paperback: 296 pages

Publisher: Island Press; 2nd None ed. edition (February 1, 2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1597267023

ISBN-13: 978-1597267021

Product Dimensions:

8.5 x 0.9 x 10 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.7 out of 5 stars

10 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#343,641 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I'm a grad student in landscape architecture and I have a masters in planning and community design, as well. I also have a well-rounded education in restoring and rehabing many different habitats. In short, I've read A LOT of literature on ecological design as it relates to ecological restoration.This has been a very expensive endeavor and I still didn't learn as much from all those courses as I did from reading this book. I read it cover to cover without skipping around and found it to be written at a really relateable level for people new to ecological design and those of us exposed to extensive theory. It builds concepts nicely and discusses them in the context of case studies, but it feel more like story telling - if stories were based in science. Beck lays concepts out at a nice speed and links them together with discussions of the seminal writings in ecology that everyone working in this field should know and reference in their own work. Beck discusses more very important - must know - theory and application in less than 300 pages than I learned in 7 or 8 various ecology courses over several years. If you are just getting into ecological design this is an excellent read and reference book. If you just finished an interdisciplinary scramble of high level ecology and need a key to fit all those puzzle pieces together - this is your book. I'm very happy with it.

One of my favorite books exploring practical, sustainable, ecological design methods and philosophy for the future. Not for the novice, but certainly bridges the expert and intermediate.

 TRAVIS BECK DID A GREAT JOB. This is a well documented progression of ecological design and its structure in our landscapes. Key points reinforce the importance of understanding the niche, climate, and ecological conditions to design a naturally sustained landscape.

This book gives a good background in ecology and then points out ways of using the kind of thinking that ecology excels at, and directs the landscape designer in using that mode of analysis.

Great! Substantive but also accessible. Really pleased with the book.

I am reading this cover to cover and while a lot of it is familiar from diffeent courses it is helpfulto have it all under one cover. There are also a number of ideas that I had not considered before.

I highly recommend this book. It is extremely comprehensive and will certainly be beneficial for anyone who reads it. It should be required reading for many university classes.

Would get 5 stars if it had color pictures. I have print and kindle edition, both are in black and white. It's near impossible to pick out plant species from a landscape b&w scenic photo. Captions imply the book was once printed in color.

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